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Russian proletariat which, 14 years ago, under the leadership of its Bolshevist Party, under the leadership of the greatest Socialist after Marx and Engels —— Lenin —— converted the lifework of Marx and Engels from science into fact.  From Utopia to Science —— from Science to Fact —— that is the prehistory of socialism. 

There is now commencing the history of Socialism itself. Socialist construction! Socialist economy! Socialism in fact! The socialist society! The socialist man! The socialist humanity!

Capitalism On The Decline.

On the one side, gigantic progress which everyone has to admit —— on the other side, crisis, bankruptcy, collapse.

Two ways —— two processes of development are taking place in diametrical antagonism to one another. 

In the capitalist world: decline and collapse, decay, bankruptcy and despair, millions of unemployed, misery and poverty for the masses, hunger in the midst of plenty, the million masses in need of everything and at the same time insane destruction of vast stores of food, insanity and crime wherever one looks. 

In the socialist world: progress and tremendous development of industry, commerce, transport, agriculture and all branches of production.  No unemployment, but a shortage of labour power. Increase of wealth for all, work and bread for all.

In the capitalist world: economic crisis such as the world has never seen before, bank failures, financial collapses, credit difficulties, inflation, chaos, panic. 

In the socialist world: Increasing consolidation, investments of thousands of millions without any foreign credits or financial assistance, stability of currency, increase of the people's income. 

In the capitalist world: Industrial bankruptcies, closing down of whole industries, shutting of the most modern factories and works, scrapping of the most up-to-date machines.

In the socialist world: opening of new factories, setting up of new industries, introduction of the most modern plant and the employment of the most modern machines, such as are unknown, even in the most developed capitalist countries. 

In the capitalist world: agrarian crisis, decline and ruin of the peasantry.

In the socialist world: collectivisation, tremendous improvement in the conditions of the peasantry. 

These are only a few comparisons:

Two worlds —— two systems —— two processes of development.

World history has opened a new volume. The prehistory of humanity is coming to an end. The history of humanity is beginning!

Socialism Marches Forward!

Two worlds stand sharply confronting one another: the capitalist world and the socialist world! To which world belongs the future?

This question is to-day already decided!

The ruling classes in the old capitalist world can cling as much as they like to traditions, to habits, to the most modern means of power and systems of oppression, to their rights and privileges; all the means of power of the ruling classes and castes will no longer help them: Socialism is on the march! To-day, in the year 1931, one can no longer deny or simply scorn and jeer at the power, the strength and the thousandfold superiority of the socialist system over the capitalist system, as our opponents were wont to do some years ago.  The "mighty" ones of the capitalist world are trembling before the advance of Socialist


construction in the Soviet Union. The mockery and scorn which they once so generously cast on the "phantastic Bolshevist experiment", have become a thing of the past.

The fact that the worst enemies of the working class, the enemies of the toilers of the whole world are now compelled to take the Soviet system seriously and to recognize its successes, is the result not only of the powerful advance of socialist construction. This recognition is before all enforced by the fact that the gigantic, unexampled progress of socialist economy in the Soviet Union synchronizes with a terrible, hopeless crisis, with the bankruptcy of the capitalist economic system. 

International News in Brief

Facts Worth Knowing

1. Discipline in Navy Blown to Hell.

The strongest support of British imperialism is crumbling.  Within the British navy, revolts against the burdens of the crisis have made themselves felt. The British Government attempting to increase its income and balance its budget, declared a 3% reduction in the salaries of its naval officers, 10% cut for the non-commissioned officers and 25% in the pay of certain classes of the seamen. These who are worst paid and who are unable to help their suffering families to any great extent find that the Government now seeks to shift its burdens upon their shoulders. 

The reduction of only 3% in the wages of the highly paid officers showed very clearly to the sailors the interest these officers represent and the interest the Government is protecting. The sailors on the Hood and the Nelson, Great Britain's mightiest battleships, struck against this wage cut and their course was followed by the sailors on other ships.

The strike itself was a tremendous blow to the British ruling class which understands fully well the importance of preventing radical doctrins finding their way into the armed forces.  But the greatest blow came, when these striking sailors sang the revolutionary song Red Flag. Here was evidence that the force that maintains British imperialism in power, enabling it to exploit and oppress millions of Indians, Africans and Chinese, was no longer to be considered entirely reliable. 

The unrest within the British Navy, may be momentarily quelled, but it will never be fully extinguished and will break out with greater violence in the very near future. The unrest of the sailors in the British Navy is part and parcel of the unrest seething in the masses of India, Africa and China against the exploitation and oppression of the British ruling class.  This unrest will finally express itself in a revolutionary upsurge that will overthrow British imperialism, its tools and parasites.

2. Mass Demonstrations in Grenada.

The Government of Grenada, one of the three Windward Islands, in consequence of public protests and demonstrations, has suspended the operation of the drastic increases in taxation recently imposed for the purpose of balancing


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