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For this purpose the Military Supervisor of Immigration in Santiago de Cuba had an extensive conference with the dictator Machado, before the latter left the palace for his farm on the outskirts of Havanna.

It is understood that the Chief of State approved of the plan to have these workers without homes or means to earn a living re-embarked for Haiti as early as possible. 

These workers will be shipped back like cattle to starve in their native land. The American sugar companies which exploited them for years have no relief to give. This is how the Negro workers in the West Indies are treated by the imperialists and their own native capitalist class. 

16. Railway Construction in the Congo.

It will have cost the French Government nearly 3,000,000 pounds sterling, when the only railway in the French Congo, covering a distance of about 380 miles, is completed. It was begun ten years ago, and will take another three or four to complete. The line will link up the new harbour of Pointe Noire on the coast with Brazzaville, the capital of the French Congo situated on the Stanley Pool.

Half of the line, which is called the Congo-Ocean Railway, is already constructed from the two ends at Pointe Noire and Brazzaville. The harbour of Pointe Noire an the Atlantic Ocean will be very large when completed. The work is still in progress, but already a line of steamers calls there from Bordeaux. 

The chief purpose of this railway is to convey black soldiers recruited by compulsion from among the workers and peasants in the Congo for service in Europe when the next war breaks out.

During the last war, France with the aid of the Negro Senator, Blaise Diagne, the present Under-Secretary for the colonies, recruited an army of over 200,000 Africans and caused them to be slaughtered like hogs on the battlefields of Europe all in the name of "Democracy" and "Liberty". This time France plans to use even greater numbers not in the name of "democracy" and "liberty", as the blacks can no longer be fooled with such catch words, but against "Bolshevism" and the "Red menace".

The Negro workers in America and the colonies must get wise to the schemes of the capitalists and don't let themselves be used for cannon fodder in the coming war.

Gandhi in London.

The trusted servant of British imperialism and the Indian capitalists — Mahatma Gandhi — according to the British press in his first speech in London declared "that he was willing to cooperate in the establishment of the union between England and India with all his ability." It was not his intention — he said — to cause unpleasantness to the British Government, his only object being to be recognized as a fully fledged citizen of the British empire.

No word of demand for complete national independence and national liberation from the British yoke. His speech was heartily applauded  by British imperialists.

For the working masses this is added proof of the fact that Gandhi is nothing else than a barefaced traitor and a "show man" for the Indian capitalists and landlords. 


Capitalist Terror

Editor's Note: — As the world economic and financial crisis gets worse, the capitalists of all countries become more and more frantic and in their desperation to crush the rising revolt of the masses resort to the most barbarous and inhuman methods of torture against the workers and their leaders.

That is the reason why we are witnessing such a wave of lynching of Negroes in the United States; murder of revolutionary workers by fascist gangsters in all capitalist countries as well as the most unheared of forms of cruelty against the workers and peasants in China, India, South Africa and other semi-colonial countries.

Because of the rigid news control maintained by the various colonial governments and strict censorship of the native revolutionary press, it is very difficult for information relating to police terrorism and brutality by government officials to reach the so-called civilized world.

Nevertheless, we shall try to collect and publish all cases of terrorism in the pages of the "Negro Worker", in order to bring them to the attention of the workers in the mother countries and help to mobilize them in support of the struggles of their colonial comrades.

We appeal to all of our readers to send us news of class outrages perpetreated against Negro workers and anti-imperialist fighters to become acquainted with the Red Aid or the International Labour Defense, a world-wide organization which mobilizes the toiling masses and leads the fight against capitalist brutality and police terrorism on behalf of the working class and all fighters against imperialism.

The International Red Aid is one of the most loyal and uncompromising defenders of the Negro race in all parts of the world and deserves the support of every Negro worker. We shall be glad to supply you with copies of its programme. Write us to-day for literature about the Red Aid.

Under the Banner of The Red Aid

1. Africans Organized to Fight Oppression.

As a result of the brutal murders committed on two Africans, and the arrest of thirty other Negro workers during a demonstration in Durban on Dingaans' Day, the workers of South Africa have organized a section of the International Labour Defense for the purpose of assisting to the very utmost revolutionary fighters and their families who may be arrested, deported, imprisoned, wounded, or killed.

Although there have been existing groups of the International Labour Defense in South Africa already, these groups were brought into a national organization at the conference which took place at Johannesburg. This new South African organization will be known under the Bantu name of Ikaba Iaba Sebenzi, "The Shield OF the Workers". The principal speaker was Comrade Hetty Nkosie, a leader of the South African Communist Party, was murdered by the police in Durban.

The conference received a cablegram of greetings from the International Labour Defense, which expressed the hope that it will develop into a real mass organization of the African workers and the white workers, helping them to carry


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