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Among the most recent victims of capitalist terror in China, was Comrade Hsiang, the secretary of the Communist Party of China and one of the most heroic leaders of the Chinese revolution. Comrade Hsiang was president of the Hupeh Federation of Labour and had a long history of struggle in the revolutionary working-class movement. He was a delegate to the Pan-Pacific Trade Union in 1927. He was a member of the executive committee of the All-China Labour Federation and was one of the organizers of the first big railroad strike in China in 1923. The strike was directed against the war lord, Wu-Pei-Fu. The majority of the strike leadership was executed at the time, but the strike marked the beginning of the downfall of Wu-Pei-Fu.

8. Trade Union Secretary Faces Death.

Since the execution of Hsiang, the Secretary of the Pan-Pacific Trade Union, comrade R. Ruegg, and his wife have been arrested in the International Settlement in Shanghai and handed over to to the police of Chang-Kai-Shek. Ruegg has been sentenced to death and his wife to imprisonment for life.

All such facts only prove that Chang-Kai-Shek forces who are now trying to drown in blood the Chinese peasants and workers fight for freedom from white imperialism, are working hand in hand with the imperialists. The question which stands before the Negroes and other oppressed peoples to-day is not one of colour, but class. Here we see Chinese capitalists and their war lords killing off Chinese workers and their leaders in the interest of European and American imperialists.

The Negro masses must see in the struggles of the Chinese workers and peasants a part of their own struggle. They must rally to the defense of all sincere revolutionary working class fighters who champion the cause of millions of oppressed peoples, whether they be Chinese, Indians, Negroes or whites - all of whom are under the same imperialist yoke.

9. Africans sold to Farmers.

The "Forward", a newspaper printed in Glasgow, Scotland, recently published the following facts about the Negro workers in South Africa and the West Indies:

Her Grace the Duchess of Atholl is still going strong about the question of "slave-labour" in Russia.

But what has she to say about the statement made by the Minister of Justice for South Africa in reply given to a question.

According to the cutting ("The Natal Mercury") which a South African correspondent sends us, the Minister of Justice said:

"that the system of hiring out prison labour had worked well for the past 18 years, and a revnue of $120,000 a year was brought in. My own idea is that if possible that amount should be doubled. My offer at Bethal was made to every farmer. If we succeed in getting farmers to take all the convicts we can supply - some 5,000 - it would be a very fortunate thing indeed for the Treasury. So far, the system has worked extremely well. There is a lot of money involved in it, and I am not prepared, Convention or no Convention, to depart from that system.

After further discussion the vote was agreed to."

So is the Duchess now prepared to demand that we should shut out all imports that come to us from South Africa?


"And by the way, it is six months ago since we asked the Duke of Atholl to tell us what wages are paid to the natives that are employed on the sugar estates in Jamaica owned by the company of which he is a director.

And how do the wages and conditions of the natives that load the West Indian ships with Elder's and Fyffe's bananas (the Duke is a director of the Banana Combine) compare with the wages of the workers who load the ships with Russian timber?"

10. Lynch Terror in America.

From an Appeal of the International Labour Defence.

The shooting of Willie Peterson in the country jail at Birmingham, Ala., and the murder of John Grayford and Edward Jackson at an unemployed demonstration in Cleveland, Ohio, are the latest bloody crimes in the growing murderous terror of the rich white ruling-class against the oppressed Negro masses and against the entire-working class.

Peterson, an unemployed Negro miner and ex-serviceman who had been vainly trying to get into the US. government hospital for veterans to secure treatment for tuberculosis, is the latest victim of the brutal boss campaign to frame-up, murder, and terrorize Negroes, following the murder of two society women, Augusta Williams and Jennie Wood, early last August. This Negro worker was deliberately shot in jail by Dent Williams, at a conference attended by city and county officials and members of the families of the slain girls.

The jailing of Lowell Wakefield, a southern organizer of the I.L.D. and Harry Jackson, district organizer of the Communist Party, and the furious drive to destroy every bit of genuine working-class organization, clearly show this whole campaign to have nothing whatever to do with the discovery and punishment of the real murderer of the two society women, but to be in fact a most ferocious ruling-class drive of terror to crush the rising struggles of the Negro workers and of their white working-class allies.

The murder of two unemployed Negro workers , John Grayford and Edward Jackson, by the bosses' police thugs in Cleveland at a demonstration against eviction, follows closely upon the shooting of Peterson. Four white and Negro workers were seriously wounded and scores of workers, including H. Larkin, organizational secretary of the Communist Party, were held in jail, prevented from seeing anyone. This is the latest of the many widespread murderous attacks upon the millions of starving, jobless workers, white and black. Only a short while ago the Chicago police murdered four Negro workers while they were resisting the eviction of an aged, unemployed Negro woman worker, wounding and arresting scores of white and Negro workers.

This savage capitalist terror can be met only by the united, militant mass struggle of the oppressed and toiling masses. Realizing this, the white workers everywhere must fight in the forefront of the battle against the Jim Crow lynch system of national oppression, against the whole vile capitalist terror system, shoulder with the doubly oppressed Negro toilers.

On the occasion of the funeral of Grayford and Jackson, over 30,000 Negro and white workers united together and followed the procession in honour of their murdered comrades. The demonstration was the biggest seen in Cleveland since 1917 and was at the same time a protest against the murderous brutality of the police in the Negro quarters.

11. Support the Scottsboro Campaign.

The Negro and white workers must not relax in their agitation and demand the release of the 9 Negro boys still in jail facing death on the electric chair