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Most of the literature announced in this column from time to time can all be obtained free by writing to the Literature Department, Negro Trade Union Committee, Rothesoodstrasse 8, Hamburg. 

I. Books on Capitalism and the Crisis.

1. Decline of Capitalism,
2. Fight or Starve. - The Unemployment Movement in U.S.A.
3. The Church and the Workers.
4. Fifty millions unemployed.
5. The Labour Government. - Its Record.- G.R. Campbell.
6. The developing Crisis of World Capitalism.
7. Capitalism or Socialism in Britain? - R. Palme-Dutt.
8. Tariffs and Starvation. By W. Gallacher.
9. The new Parliament: An Analysis of the Election Results.
10. Capitalism in Crisis.

II. Books on Imperialism.

1. British Imperialism in East Africa. By Elinor Burns
2. British Imperialism in West Africa. By Elinor Burns
3. Labour Imperialism in East Africa. By G. Padmore.
4. Modern India. By R. Palme Dutt
5. Yankee Colonies. By Harry Gannes.
6. How Britain rules India. By R. Page Arnot.
7. Free the Colonies. By R. Palme Dutt.
8. American Imperialism Enslaves Liberia. By G. Padmore.
9. Forced Labour in Africa. By G. Padmore
10. British Imperialism in Ireland. By Elinor Burns.
11. The colonies and oppressed nations in the Struggle for Freedom. Published by the League Against Imperialism. 

III. Books on the International Labour Movement.

1. What is the Profintern? By A. Lozowsky.
2. A-B-C of Trade Unionism. By A. Lozowsky
3. The Seven Hour Day. By J.R. Campbell.
4. The immediate Tasks of the International Trade Union Movement. By O. Piatnitsky.
5. The Way Out.

IV. Books on the Negro Movement.

1. The Negro Worker. By Jim Allan.
2. Negro Workers and the Imperialist War against Soviet Russia. By G. Padmore.
3. The Negroes in the United States. By F. Markosch.
4. Capitalist Terror against Negro Workers in U.S.A. By Maxim Gorky.
5. Life and Struggles of Negro Workers. By G. Padmore.
6. What is the Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers? by G. Padmore.
7. Lynch Justice in America. By B.D. Amis.
8. Report of the 1st Negro Workers' Conference.
9. Lynching Negro Children in Southern Courts. By Joseph North.
10. Race Prejudice on Trial.
11. Negro Workers and the War of 1914-1918. By J.W. Ford.

Because of the limitations of space we are prevented from giving a review of the pamphlets in the above lists. However, we shall review them in future issues.


What is the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers?

The Negro Workers Committee was formed in July 1930 at an international conference of Negro toilers held in Hamburg, Germany. The Committee is not a race, but a class organization, organizing and leading the fight in the interests of Negro workers in Africa, the West Indies and other colonies.
Since its creation, the Committee has grown at a tremendous pace and has adherents and supporters in British, French, Belgian, Portuguese — Africa, Liberia, Haiti, the British West Indies, British Guiana, Central and South America and the United States. The aims of the Committee are as follows:

1. To carry on propaganda and agitation, calling upon the Negro workers to organize themselves into revolutionary trade unions in order to fight for higher wages, shorter hours and better conditions.

2. To help the millions of Negro workers who are now unemployed organize councils in order to demand relief from the government, free rent and non-payment of taxes. 

3. To agitate and organize the Negro workers against the approaching imperialist war and the intervention in Soviet Russia, in which the white capitalist exploiters intend to use black workers as cannon-fodder as they did in the last war.

4. To promote and develop the spirit of international solidarity between the workers of all colours and nationalities, calling upon them to support the Soviet Union which fights for the freedom of the working class and all oppressed peoples, as well as the Chinese, Indian, South African and all other revolutionary liberation movements of the colonial toilers. 

5. The Committee also fights against white chauvinism, (race prejudice) social-reformism and the reformist programmes of the Negro capitalist misleaders, like Marcus Garvey, Du Bois, Pickens and Walter White of the National Association of Colored People in America; Kadalie and Champion in South Africa, the white trade union faker, Captain Cipriani, in the West Indies; and the missionaries, preachers and other agents of imperialism. 

These misleaders, instead of organizing the Negro masses to fight for their freedom as the revolutionary workers in China, India and elsewhere are doing, are the very ones who help the capitalists by preaching obedience, and loyalty to imperialist rule:

Workers, organize the fight against imperialism!

(For the basic demands of the Negro Workers Committee see next page)