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What We Fight For:

Our Programme of Demands:

1. Abolition of Forced Labour, Peonage and Slavery.

2. Equal Pay for Equal Work — Irrespective of Race, Colour or Sex.

3. Eight Hour Day.

4. Government Relief for Unemployed, — free rent, no taxes.

5. Freedom to organize trade unions, unemployed councils and peasant committees, — right to strike.

6. Against racial barriers in trade unions and colour bar in industry.

7. Against capitalist terror — lynching, police and soldier terrorism, arrest and deportation of foreign workers.

8. Against confiscation of peasant and communal lands, against any taxation of the poor Negro peasants.

9. For full independence of the Negro toilers in Africa and the West Indies, and their right of self-determination in the Black Belt of U.S.A.

10. Against using Negro workers to fight imperialist wars. For the defense of the Soviet Union and Chinese Revolution.

Support the Negro Workers Committee and help build the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement in your country

Write to the Secretary: 8 Rothesoodstrasse, Hamburg, Germany.


Long live the freedom of the Negro Workers!
Down with imperialism!

[[image - giant Black man holding The Negro Worker newspaper leaning over a factory where male workers have lined up to mail letters to the editor in a correspondent box]]

All Workers are invited to write Letters and Articles about their conditions for the "NEGRO WORKER"

Official Organ of the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers
Send all communications to the Secretary, 8 Rothesoodstrasse, Hamburg, Germany