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Twelve Years of the League of Nations
By L. Volinsky

For twelve years the imperialists, through the League of Nations, have not stopped "preparing" for disarmament. But on not one day of these twelve years have the guns been silent.

Below we give a short, but by no means complete, chronological catalogue of wars, interventions and colonial punitive expeditions, which took place throughout the "peaceful" post-Versailles years. 

What a wonderful supplement to the pacifist blather of Briand, Cecil, Benesch, Boncour, Henderson, Vandervelde, and all the treacherous gang of the Second International!

Military terror on the part of the British imperialists against the uprising in Ireland (it lasted three years), Egypt, India (Amritsar massacre); punitive expeditions of Japanese imperialism in Korea; suppression of the Hungarian Soviet Republic with the air of Rumanian, Czecho Slovakian, and French intervention; the suppression of the uprising in Norther Bessarabia by the Rumanian occupationists.

March of the Pilsudski forces on Kiev; the seizure of Vilna by the forces of the Polish general, Zeligowski; French militarists carry through their first suppression of the rebelling masses in Syria; advance of the British forces in Egypt and Ireland.

Continuation of the British terror in Ireland and Egypt.

War between Greece and Turkey; suppression of uprising in India; intervention of U.S.A. in Brazil; French imperialists again restores "order" in "independent" Syria.

Occupation of the Ruhr by French troops; attempt by Italy to seize the island of Corfu; the capture of Memel by Lithuania.

British forces ruthlessly attack insurgents in India and in the Sudan, Egypt; war between the Nejd, Arabia, and the Hejaz, Arabia; war of Italy in the Levant; second intervention of U.S.A. in Brazil; England organizes rebellion in Afghanistan; suppression of uprising among Indian peasants in Peru; intervention of U.S.A. in Cuba; Rumanian occupationists suppress the Tartar-Burnak uprising in Bessarabia; beginning of the war of French and Spanish imperialism in Morocco.

The French social fascist, Governor-General Varenne, puts down uprising in Indo-China; intervention of U.S.A. in Chile; merciless punitive expedition of French imperialism in Syria.


Intervention of U.S.A. in Nicaragua begins (continuing to this day); continuation of French intervention in Syria; a new war between the Nejd and the Hejaz; Dutch imperialists suppress uprising in the island of Java; Japanese imperialism perpetrates acts of terror among the rebelling masses in Korea. 

Dutch forces suppress insurrection in the Island of Sumatra; fall of the Canton Commune by the attack of the Kuomintang and imperialist intervention; an English squadron of bombthrowers again subdues the Sudan.

Suppression by British forces of the uprising in the Island of Cyprus; punitive expedition of the French in the Congo; intervention of U.S.A. in Colombia.

U.S.A. organizes "revolution" in Mexico; New Zealand, on the order of England, suppresses insurrection in Samoa; India becomes arena of raging terror; British forces restore "order" in insurrectionary Palestine and Nigeria; Italy sends punitive expedition to Tripoli; tanks and bombthrowers of the French colonial authorities suppress uprising in Yen-Bai and in many parts of Indo-China.

Intervention of U.S.A. in Haiti; "pacification" of West Ukraine and West White Russia; continuation of war in Indo-China; British imperialists again suppress revolutions in the Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa, and Irak; Japan puts down insurrection in Formosa.

Intervention of U.S.A. in Peru, Honduras, Chile, and Salvador; punitive expedition to the Belgian Congo; executions and mass shooting in India and Indo-China; hostilities between Bolivia and Paraguay; tate of martial law in occupied Bessarabia; invasion of French forces in South China and air bombardment of Lungchow; French tanks and machine guns "regulate" elections in Syria; Japanese imperialist forces invade Manchuria.

"Disarmament" conference opens under the salute of guns thundering on flaming Shanghai; under the crash of air bombardment of Nanking, under the whistle of bullets in Indo-China and India.

And finally, the permanent intervention in China.

What an effective prologue for the Geneva "pacifist" farce!