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Down With Hunger, Taxation and War!
Long live International Working Class Solidarity

What is the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers?

The Negro Workers Committee was formed in July 1930 at an International conference of Negro toilers held in Hamburg, Germany. The Committee is not a race, but a class organization, organizing and leading the fight in the interests of Negro workers in Africa, the West Indies and other colonies.

The aims of the Committee are as follows:

1. Abolition of Forced Labour, Peonage and Slavery.

2. Equal Pay for Equal Work -- Irrespective of Race, Colour or Sex.

3. Eight Hour Day.

4. Government Relief for Unemployed -- free rent, no taxes.

5. Freedom to organize trade unions, unemployed councils and peasant committees, -- right to strike.

6. Against racial barriers in trade unions and colour bar in industry.

7. Against capitalist terror -- lynching, police and soldier terrorism, arrest and deportation of foreign workers.

8. Against confiscation of peasant and communal lands, against taxation of the Negro workers and peasants.

9. To promote and develop the spirit of international solidarity between the workers of all colours and nationalities.

10. To agitate and organize the Negro workers against the imperialist war in China and the intervention in Soviet Russia, in which the white capitalist exploiters intend to use black workers as cannon-fodder as they did in the last war.

11. To defend the independence of Liberia, Haiti and other Negro States and to fight for the full independence of the Negro toilers in Africa and the West Indies, and their right of self-determination in the Black Belt of U.S.A.

12. The Committee also fights against white chauvinism, (race prejudice) social-reformism and the reformist programmes of the Negro capitalist misleaders, and the missionaries, preachers and other agents of imperialism.

These misleaders, instead of organizing the Negro masses to fight for their freedom are the very ones who help the capitalists by preaching obedience, and loyalty to imperialist rule:

Negro Workers, Organize The Fight Against Imperialism!
Support The Revolutionary Trade Union Movement!
Fight For The Freedom Of The Working Class!