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Interracial Groups

Interracial groups have spent their zeal in attempting to correct effects and results while ignoring causes and motivating influences. The whole gamut of race problems in the United States are tied up with, if not definitely caused by, the low economic conditions of Negroes in the country.

Trade Bodies

Associations of business men have neglected to utilize competent Negro men and women to promote business among the 12,000,000 of this race who live in the United States. Here is a field for interracial activities in business. The few experiments thus far tried prove that success can be made of Negroes and whites working together in successful businesses.

Colleges and Universities

Educational institutions upon whom great responsibility rests for the future development of the economic life of Negroes will find the study of occupations and the application of vocational guidance practices to be necessary for adequate preparation of their students. The large number of available young people holding degrees from colleges and universities and yet unemployed or under-employed is a challenge to educational leaders to develop character, personality, occupational adjustment, personal choice, understanding of people, as well as the adequate information obtained from textbooks and classrooms.

Emphasis placed upon the so-called higher education without reference to the capacity of the mind to absorb it must give way to individualized guidance starting with junior high schools and continuing through high schools, to the end of whatever course of study seems best suite to each student.

Negro Business

Business conducted by Negroes is making opportunity for more trained young people. As we multiply businesses we multiply the number of workers employed. One of the choices selected by a fairly large group of male students in our schools is business. Theoretical training will not be sufficient 


to develop them to the point of conducting business on a competitive scale. Finances must be corralled for new business ventures whether conducted by Negroes or in cooperation with whites, and commercial organizations now existing in the Negro group must more and more avail themselves of trained minds being turned out of our schools and colleges.

The Ultimate Goal

The fact that Negroes are losing jobs customarily classified as Negro jobs argues that something new must engage the labor of those displaced. Ideally there should be no category set apart for workers of one race, one nationality, one sex, or one religion. For the moment, however, all who have to do with training and placement of Negro workers might begin to survey their local fields to determine what particular skills might be developed for Negro workers. Reputations gained in such skills could not work to the disadvantage of a group which is supposed to possess specialized talents in a limited number of occupations. These suggestions, then, are intended to encourage Negroes to make themselves proficient in new lines of work so that they may gain universal reputations of being especially suited for complete inclusion in the national occupational scheme.


Transcription Notes:
I just corrected one typo; the rest should be good to go.