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to drive the Negroes out of America, to be separated from them, as the reactionaries propose, there is certainly nothing more to be said.
Here is how Scott Nearing describes segregation in his latest book:

"Negro inequality in its extreme form finds expression in social isolation of segregation. According to the principles of segregation the Negroes must spend all their time only among Negroes, excepting the time when they work for whites." (Black America, Scott Nearing, New York,1929. (Re-translated from Russian).

Segregation is the Negro ghetto. The plans of the American reactionaries to move all Negroes to one place, and to call that place a Negro State or province, of course under the control of American forces, to force all these Negroes to work on plantations, to organize ghetto cotton plantations, is Shick's idea of "the Negroes' right to self-determination." 
One can only shrug his shoulders.
But Shick did not endeavour to find the demands of the liberals who advocate the application of the point in the Declaration of Independence also to the Negroes (namely, that "all men are born equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights among them which is the right of equality and happiness" - re-translated), such demands which would really guarantee equality, namely: 

1. The withdrawal of American forces and the police from the Black Belt.
2. The dismissal of all white officers and their displacement by elected Negro officers.
3. The granting of the right to the Negroes to change the old and to pass new laws.
4. The granting of the right to the Negroes to organize their self-defence detachments against lynchings, supplying them with arms at government expense. 
5. That all expenditures in the Black Belt should be decided upon by the Negroes themselves, and the same also with regard to taxes.
6. That all land in these districts belonging to the capitalists, banks and other exploiters be transferred to the Negroes.

Will you find at least one Liberal with revolutionary programme on the racial question willing to support such reformist demands? Yet these are not revolutionary demands but demands of democratic reform. We should state here that no government in the United States will pass such a reform. This reform will be enacted only as a result of revolution, which however does not alter the fact that its demands are those of democratic reform.