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superiority over Great Britain. Naval parity is another form of the American policy of the "open door," and is directed to weaken the naval strength of Great Britain. Besides the fact that actual parity in naval strength is a thing which is impossible to establish, due to the secrecy in naval building and other rapidly developing means of warfare. It would be wrong for anyone to think that British imperialism is ready to give up its naval superiority. We want to recall here what the leading figure of the British Conservative Party, Winston Churchill, said in his recent visit to Canada: "Nothing in the world, nothing that you may think of or dream of or anyone may tell you; no argument however specious, nor appeal however seductive, must lead you to abandon that naval supremacy on which the life of our country depends." In agreeing to parity, the British Empire only marks time until it will re-organize its force and make adequate political preparations for a definite armed struggle with the United States. Parity can never be established by peaceful means. The direction in which the situation is developing is for war between the United States and England, to establish the superiority of one of these powers.


 No class conscious worker ever believed that disarmament will be achieved in London, or that any form of disarmament is possible under capitalism. The London Conference, therefore, at the very outset was not a disarmament conference, but on the contrary. The sharp growing contradictions between the decline of capitalism and the growth of the socialist forces of production in the Soviet Union, brought the present combined attack of all the forces of reaction and counter-revolution against the Soviet Union. As the Moscow correspondent of the New York Times, Walter Duranty, explained in his correspondence: "The success (of the Soviet) the early and first fruits of which would contain elements of great danger to European capitalist structure." Today it is already well recognized and definitely established that the Soviet Union, with its great achievements and progress is definitely challenging the entire capitalist world. This challenge makes impossible the peaceful existence of two social systems which are contradictory to each other and leads to an inevitable imperialist attack upon the Soviet Union. The revolutionary working class must therefore understand that side by side with the growth of the antagonisms and contradictions between the imperialist powers themselves, there is also a continuous growth of the contradictions and antagonisms between the entire imperialist world and the Soviet Union. One set of antagonisms does not exclude the other, and we therefore