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revolutionary trade union movement. The other effect is that Social Democracy, which is closely and organically connected with the state and with the bosses, had to resort to open fascist terror against the workers. The recent bi-elections in the Sheffield district in England, are of no little interest. It certainly indicates the trend of the minds of the masses and the growth of the revolutionary consciousness of the workers. The results of these elections show the following: That in the national elections of 1929 the Labor Government received 20,277 votes, and in the recent bi-elections, the Labor Government received only 11,543 votes. In the national elections the Communist Party did not have any candidates, in the recent bi-elections the candidates of the Communist Party received 1,084 votes. Of considerable interest is also the fact that although the Labor Government is a minority government, yet we find that because of necessity, because of political expediency, British imperialists find it necessary to have the Labor Government carry on the struggle for hegemony with the United States and for the retention of its supremacy in Europe and the world over as a leading imperialist power. However, the moment the Labor Government will find itself in a position of being unable to fulfil the mission of an agent of the imperialists in the ranks of the workers, of a defender of the present capitalist system, the capitalist class of England will get rid of this Labor Government.

At the London Conference there was established a regrouping of forces, increased armament, and especially became accentuated the antagonisms which existed between the imperialist powers. The London Conference, therefore, was a rehearsal for war between the imperialist powers, and particularly against the Soviet Union. These facts are even brought forth by the staunchest supporters and defenders of capitalism, the organ of the French steel trust L'Avenir writes editorially on January 9th: "The very name 'naval disarmament conference' is a lie." Then it further proceeds in analyzing the background of the conference by stating: "In the background of the London Conference there is a hypothesis of war between the United States and Britain, between the United States and Japan, between France and Italy. There you find all the civilized and civilizing nations which are all on the same side in the great war of civilization, rendering themselves suspect of planning aggressions against one another and putting their heads together in order to determine the size of their teeth and claws. To say the least, it is a curious sight, in the last resort the London Conference supplies a lack of confidence in peace treaties." What could be said more definite, how can the war danger between the imperialist powers be more clearly brought out! For the revolutionary working class in