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the surviving dependents for life. In reality, however, they have done no such thing, for in practice they make the "pension" a mockery and downright fraud. The great Empire State of New York allows a weekly average of $13.70 and this sum is liberal as compared to the liberality of the Federal Government, which is $10.44.
   The object of this ruthless attitude as the Labor Bureau statisticians laconically observe is "to restrict further the burden on the employer (sic), even though it transfers it necessarily to the injured employee," or his dependent survivors in the case of death, and continues the statistician, "the term payment is not fixed by period of disability," as we shall see below, but by arbitrary maximum.
   In ordinary English this means that the legislature advisedly adopt the lowest sums possible with the object in view of forcing the widow and children into the factories in order thereby to fill up the gap made by the dead spouse in the available labor army.


   The methods employed for this category of disabilities do not materially differ from those used in case of death to the worker. A slight tendency to appreciate the increased liability of the State towards the worker, who is industrially disabled for life, is manifest. But in the main, while the principle is recognized in words, it is discarded in deeds. Where the worker dies as a result of industrial injury he is eliminated as a consumer and the number of mouths in the family to be fed is one less. But where the worker lives but is industrially totally disabled for life he must be fed and clothed and because of his injuries, be given additional medical and other attention. Nevertheless, no substantial increase in the allowances are granted. Only on State, Nevada, so far as we could learn, provides an additional pittance of $7.50 per week where the disabled worker needs additional care - as in the case of total blindness or loss of both arms or both legs.


[[5 column table]]
|State|Average Paym't|Min. Paym't|Max. Paym't|Other Provisions|
|Alaska|$6,240|$4,680|$7,800|If single, $780 to each dependent parent only|
|Porto Rico|2,500|1,000|4,000|Depending on age, rate of wages and nature of disability|
|Wyoming|6,000|4,000|8,000|Depending on number of children. Provides $120 per year for each child under 18 years|