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rate for the first few years and then a uniform low rate for life.

[[3 column table]]
State | Weekly Average for First Period | Weekly Average for Second Period

California | $17.50 fof 4 2/3 years | $12.00 for life.

Colorado | 7.00 for life | —
Idaho | 11.00 for 8 years | 6.00 for life
Illinois | 11.25 for 8 years | 5.00 for life
Montana | 9.25 for 8 years | 5.00 for life
Nebraska | 10.50 for 6 years | 8.25 for life
Nevada | 11.25 for life | —
New York | 14.00 for life | —
U.S. | 12.50 for life | —
Ohio | 11.90 for life | —
Oregon | 10.00  for life | —
Utah | 6.90 for 5 years | 5.00 for life
Washington | 12.25 for life | —
West Virginia | 10.50 for life | —
North Dakota | 13.00 for life | —


Partial disabilities make up by far the great bulk of the injuries sustained by the workers. The average number of industrial deaths are in round numbers about 22,000 per year, while the number of workers totally and  permanently disabled is around 2,000 per year. If we add to these the total number of dismemberment cases, which generally average about 75,000, we have about 100,000 workers who are disabled for life. Multiply this number by five - the average composition of a worker's family, and you have a population of 500,000 people affected. It shul be understood, however, that dismemberment does not necessarily mean that worker is totally disabled. A worker who has lost either an arm, leg, eye, a couple or [[of]] fingers, etc., is so far as his earning capacity is concerned, not in the same helpless condition as he permanent and totally disabled worker. Hence the number of totally disabled workers and the dependents of deceased workers are comparatively moderate. The great bulk of the injuries, as already stated, are of a partial nature, lasting from a week to several years and affect over 2,00,000 workers.

The attitude of the bourgeois legislatures toward partial disabilities does not vary from its treatment of total disability cases and the dependent survivors where the worker died. The injured workers are in no instance allowed the full amount of wages they have lost because of the negligence of the employer in failure to