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to be called on again in the next imperialist war to perform their scab job of jamming the American proletariat into the war machine so that it won't even murmer. The American proletariat is not going to be jammed into the next war machine by scab bureaucrats. Led by the revolutionary trade unions and the Communist Party its answer will be to smash the war machine and its Wolls, Fraynes, Greens, and similar scum.

The slogan of the next war will be again Dictatorship of the War Machine. "If in the event of another war, we lack authority of law for doing the things that we did, both in price fixing and commandeering, it is to be hoped that we will have a President with the vision and courage of President Wilson, who did not hesitate as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy to assume that dictatorship absolutely essential for the protection of the civilian population and the winning of the war." (p. 147). We must fight the war danger but when it comes we shall fight the war machine. The basis for our struggle against the war danger and against the imperialist war must be an extension of our influence in the basic industries—the war industries.

"America's Answer to Socialism and Communism" is, by the word of one Robert S. Brookings, Economic Democracy. Economic democracy is a wholesale Verdummungs system. Brookings' talents demonstrate its blatant attempts to create in the mind of the proletariat the belief that American capitalism and the American worker enjoy an exceptional position. The economic crisis has showed the working class otherwise and it will fight and not starve.