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A New Lenin Volume

International Publishers
another volume is in the Collected Works of V.I. Lenin:

The Imperialist War:

Shortly after the outbreak of the World War, Lenin analyzed its causes, launched a brilliant attack on the Socialist and Labor elements who supported it and formulated a plan for turning the war between nations into a war between the classes.

One volume   $3.50

Previously Published:

The Iskra Period: Building the Bolshevik Party. Int two parts. Each   $3.00

The Revolution of 1917. In two parts. Each   $3.00

Materialism and Empirio-Criticism   $3.00


The 19, by A. Fadeyev.
A Soviet War Novel written by one of the foremost of the post-revolutionary Russian writers.  Red peasant partisans, fighting in the magnificent background of the Siberian taiga struggle against the Japanese and Kolchak's White troops.   $1.50

From Chartism to Laborism,
by Th. Rothstein
British Labor during the past century.  The historic background of the present Government.  By one of the foremost Marxian historians    $2.50

Selections from Lenin, 1904-1914
The Bolshevik Party in action.  Lenin's most important writings during the Revolution of 1905 and the years of reaction that followed, to the beginning of the Imperialist War. Numerous explanatory notes.   $1.50


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