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This is the number of workers mobilized by us for the March Sixth Unemployed Demonstrations.
Thousands of them must at once become readers of the DAILY WORKER so that we may educate, mobilize, organize them for further and broader struggles.
Join Our Campaign to Build Mass Circulation!
Objective of the Campaign: To secure within two months, April 1 to June 1, 10,000 additional mail subscribers, 20,000 additional copies in bundle orders, $15,000 in contributions to develop circulation in new fields. To attain a 60,000 circulation within six months. To establish a permanent apparatus to steadily build mass circulation. (Net work of Daily Workers representatives with full party cooperation).
To establish our own distribution apparatus because we cannot depend upon any capitalist agency during this period.
To establish a Daily Worker supporting apparatus, a permanent conference of all workers' organizations in every city.
Organization for the Campaign: District buros and section committees responsible for the success of the campaign.
Campaign committees in the district composed of leading members of the buro and the Daily Worker representative. Campaign committees in the sections composed of members of the section committee and the section Daily Worker representative. Campaign committees must be authoritative.
Clarification of the role of the Daily Worker as the official organ of the Party and as a mass organ for the workers, thruout the Party.
Daily Worker to be the main point on the agenda at all Party units at their next meetings.
A delegate conference of all workers' organizations to be called immediately. It shall be a permanent conference for supporting and building the Daily Worker.
Naming a date and organizing at once an income affair for the Daily Worker.
Tasks to Secure Mass Circulation: Distribution and sale of the Daily Worker in front of the gates of the most important industries in each city. Sales before factory gates must become a permanent institution.
Three Red Sundays during the campaign to establish carrier routes at 18c per week per subscriber. Also to secure mail subscribers at the rate of 50c per month, or $1.00 for two months' subscriptions.
Establish regular sales up on the streets, at points where workers assemble, at all workers' meetings, etc.
Every Party member to secure a minimum of $5.00 in subscriptions and contributions and a special stamp for the dues book of all comrades attaining this goal.
Revolutionary competition. Quota for each district. Cooperation of the entire language press. Plan to return to six pages. Improvement of Daily Worker. Increase in advertising. Articles by all leading comrades, Daily Worker representatives, district organizers in support of the campaign, citing possibilities for and accomplishment of concrete results.
26-28 Union Square     New York, N.Y.