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has been given a Japanese name. It has been a relentless wiping out of every vestige of Korean culture and influence.

Thousands of students, workers, peasants, and national-revolutionaries have been thrown into prison by the Japanese police.

The blood of thousands of Koreans, massacred in the struggle for independence from Japanese rule, bears witness to the fact that imperialism knows no color.

But even worse than the fate of the Koreans in the "justice" meted out to the Formosans. In 1910, the Japanese government appropriated 9,750,000 yen for a five-year campaign of extermination of recalcitrant tribes in which thousands upon thousands of the island aborigines who refused to submit to Japanese rule were wiped out. For cold-blooded brutality, this wholesale murder of a people is paralleled only by the organized wiping out of the Australian aborigines.

Clearly the demogogic slogan, "Asia for the Asiatics," in the mouths of the Japanese war-lords is but a cloak to hide their predatory aim or making the whole of Asia a Japanese chattel.


With Japanese armies meeting increasing difficulties as a result of the heroic resistance of the Chinese people, sentiment for the resumption of Anglo-Japanese cooperation is gaining headway in the leading governmental circles of both Japan and Great Britain. The New York Times of March 24, 1938, commenting editorially upon the possibilities of a compromise between Britain and Japan for the partitioning of China on the basis of Britain's recognition of Japan's present conquests, states:

"Despite the barrage of bitter Japanese criticism of British policy in China, which has been featured in the Japanese press ever since the beginning of present hostilities, it is not improbably that Great Britain--as reported from Shanghai yesterday--is preparing to negotiate


with Japan. Such action would be consistent with Prime Minister Chamberlain's attitude toward Italy and Germany. None the less, if London were willing, Tokyo certainly would welcome the opportunity to discuss the possibility of trading off Japanese assurances of fair dealings with British business and investments in Central China, in exchange for the participation of British capital in Japanese development of the vast resources of North China."

Thus while propagandists of Japanese imperialism attempt to rally sympathy for Nippon's aggression in China by prattle about her "mission" as a "liberator" of the Asiatic peoples from the yoke of "white" imperialism, Japanese rulers woo the Tory government of Great Britain--offering it a split in the spoils, in return for aid in the consolidation of Japan's conquest of China. 

II. Behind the Scenes in Japan

What is the secret of Japan's rise as a great power? 

The Japanese rulers have arrived at their "place in the sun" as a result of the most shameful betrayals of their colored neighbors on the Asiatic mainland, and of the frightful oppression, poverty and suffering of the majority of the Japanese people.

Japan is ruled by an absolute monarchy in the service of big monied interests. According to the figures of the Imperial Credit Bureau for 1927, there were 3,000 millionaires in Japan, the majority of them residing in Tokyo. At the head of these millionaires stands His Most August Majesty, Emperor Hirohito himself, who is the richest man in Japan. Finance capital in japan, as in every imperialist country, rules through the monopoly of the big banks, and through its control of 


Transcription Notes:
"district" completed on previous page