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thus weaken our fight. Such doctrines can only play into the hands of our bitterest enemies. Not race against race as advocated by Hitler and the Southern Bourbons, but the fighting alliance of the Negro, of all colonial and subject peoples with the forces of democracy the world over, against the predatory forces, against fascism--such is our road to freedom.

American Negroes will understand that the Japanese propaganda among us to the effect that Japan is the protector of the colored peoples is just as unscrupulous. We must root out the ignorance which the oppression of the American ruling class has foisted upon us and which enables Japanese agents even to claim that the Japanese government supports the Scottsboro boys. The Scottsboro boys are our boys, the Scottsboro case is our case, and the victories that we have won so far we have won hand in hand with the white workers, against the friends of the colored parasites who rule Japan.

The Negro and all colored humanity in their fight for freedom should seek inspiration not in fascist Japan but in that great country which has abolished racial persecution, national hatreds and oppression over one-sixth of the earth and established a fraternity of free peoples. The tremendous cultural advances made by the liberated multi-colored nationalities in the U.S.S.R. shatters the chauvinist theory of the "inherent inferiority" of the darker peoples.

Of a population of 175,000,000 people in the Soviet Union, more than one-fourth are dark-skinned peoples. These peoples are today sharing in the general prosperity and cultural advance that has been achieved under socialism.

Not only by words but by deeds, the Soviet Union has proved itself the real torch-bearer of the national emancipatory movements of the oppressed peoples all over the world. The Soviet Union has consistently opposed the colonial subjugation of weaker peoples, and imperialist fascist aggression. Was it not Maxim Litvinov, Soviet Commissar of Foreign


Affairs, whose voice was loudest in the League of Nations, championing Ethiopia and exposing the treachery of the reactionary groups in Britain, France and America in their capitulation to Mussolini, their shameless betrayal of the heroic Ethiopian people?

The example of the Soviet Union in its abolition of race hatred, its successful solution of the question of national minorities through full equality and fraternity of peoples, points clearly the path which the Negro people and other oppressed peoples must follow in a successful struggle for their liberation. The main lesson of the Soviet Union for our people is the necessity of united action with other victims of capitalism against the common enemy. In this country, it means the unity of Negro and white toilers and all progressive forces in the democratic front against the fascist-minded bankers of Wall Street, for jobs, security, democracy, and peace.