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blood purity are of such preponderant importance that there can be no release from them...."

The Nazi State thereupon confiscated the large estate. 


The Negro people of the United States know what Hitlerization of the United States would mean. The Negro people are profoundly anti-Fascist. There are two examples which I believe convey the true sentiments of the Negro people. First, Doctor Mordecai Johnson, President of Howard University, who said "The Negroes instinctively belong on the side of all decent-thinking people who are revolted by Nazi terror.... No minority can protect itself from the fate which has befallen the Jewish minority in Germany today, by attempting to achieve self-protection alone."

And the Reverend Raymond Henderson, pastor of Bethesda Baptist Church, in New Rochelle, New York, declared: 

"As a race of people whose souls have been made sensitive through many years of persecution and suffering, we extend our profoundest sympathies to the Jewish people in their present plight, particularly in Germany."

"...There is one difference, however, in the persecution of the Jews and of the American Negro.

"While in America it is carried on openly in the South, and subtly in other sections, it does not have active government sanctions and participation. The sin of the American government is not that it persecutes, but that it permits persecution without doing a single thing to prevent it. 

"We re-affirm our faith in the democratic form of government as opposed to all others. 

"We further pledge ourselves that unsolicited by any individual or organization, we will, upon the call of our minister, assemble for a benefit entertainment, funds raised to be voluntarily and gladly contributed to the proper source, to 


aid the cause of the Jewish refugees."

Naturally, the Negro people in condemnation of Nazi persecution, also called attention to their own struggle against the lynch terror and persecution at home. This was natural. Comrade Browder in his recent speech on Nazi progroms over Station WMCA, declared: "In the hot indignation that sweeps over America, against the crimes in Germany, let us not overlook the growing and alarming signs of the growth of Hiterlism within the United States itself."

Of course, large sections of the Negro people may not have seen the connection between the fight on behalf of the Jews, and the struggle against fascism in America. We must point out to the widest masses, the role of Roosevelt and the New Deal, in the struggle for equality; the great Human Welfare Conference, and its significance to the Negro people. We must explain to them that Roosevelt and the New Deal, through their program, advanced the cause of Negro equality more than any President besides Abraham Lincoln. Of course, the agents of reaction, as well as those who flirt with it among the Negroes, would not lose an opportunity to take a dig at the New Deal. 


What ground does reaction find for anti-Semitism among the Negroes? 

It is clear that the spring from which it issues and spreads the super-exploitation of the Negroes, is the slave-remnants of the Black Belt. It is the same fascist-minded circles of the bourgeoisie who subject the Negro to inhuman oppression. who maintain this oppression by lynch terror and segregation, and who today are striving to employ anti-Semitism to destroy democracy in America, so that there would be no restrictions to the intensification of that oppression. It is the big Wall Street banks, who themselves discriminate against the Jews, who in Harlem and in other segregated