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Negro communities by and large own or control housing and force, through their exorbitant high rent, and ghetto polity.

Large numbers of Negro women work for Jews, as domestics. There is competition between Negro small business, and Jewish small business. Large numbers of real estate agents are Jewish. Jews, as part of the dominant white nation, display the customary white chauvinist attitude, encouraged within the dominant white nation, toward the Negroes. This is reflected in the discrimination against Negroes on jobs and in services in Jewish-owned establishments, as well as in general.

The anti-Semites and their agents are quick to single out these things, and seek in this way to incite the Negroes against the Jews. Some, like Dr. Willis Huggins, Negro lecturer, slander the Jewish people, declaring that the Jewish people will not fight shoulder to shoulder with the Negroes.

"With Israel at bay today," said Dr. Huggins recently, "no one expects it to endanger its position with Christians by an excessive show of zeal on behalf of the colored people. Yet when petty tyrannies of Jews against colored people are pointed out to them, such indication is not in the essence of anti-Semitism." - Baltmore [[Baltimore]] Afro-America, Oct. 29, 1938.

In this respect, the following words of Comrade Stalin should be recalled:
"...But how can it be seriously maintained that petrified religious rites and fading psychological relics affect the 'fate' of these Jews, more powerfully than living social, economic, and cultural environment that surround them?" (Stalin, "Marxism and the National Colonial Question." Page 10.)


The Jewish people have played a significant role in the development of American democracy. During the Revolutionary War, they were overwhelmingly on the side of the 


colonies. The same banner of "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity," under which Crispus Attucks, the Negro, fell, under which the heroic Haitian freemen journeyed to Savannah to fight for American independence, to demonstrate their solidarity which American colonists struggling for freedom from the yoke of British tyranny, attracted the Jewish people in their love for freedom and democracy. We must point out that two of John Brown's closest associates were Jews. We must show their wholehearted support. And in the long struggle to build a progressive labor movement in America, which is today flowering, which has brought more than 500,000 Negroes into the ranks of organized labor, swelling their incomes by the millions, who more than the Jews have been instrumental in aiding this development?

Or take Herndon-Scottsboro-Ethiopia-Spain-did they not play an important role in the building of the Communist Party, which has been a recognized and important factor in the development of unity among the Negro people? To their eternal credit, the Jewish people have played a prominent role in every progressive movement, in every struggle for Negro rights.

One of the principal tasks of the Jewish Communists will be in fighting for the unity of the Jewish people in the struggle for Jewish rights, to become sensitive to these problems among the Negroes, and make the broad masses of the Jewish people conscious of the need particularly for the unity of the Negro people and the Jewish people in the struggle against fascism. The Negro masses in active struggle against anti-Semitism, the Jewish masses in active struggle for Negro rights - 

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