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The Maiden Form 

[[image - drawing of a woman wearing the Maiden Form Brassiere]]

This universally popular 
garment moulds the 
figure into the natural, 
graceful curves of youth. 
In exquisite pastel 
shades and daintiest materials. 
Radium Silk, 
Crepe-de-Chine, Lace, 
Argyle Mesh, Double 
Net, Glovesilk Jersey, 
Trousseau Crepe and 
Ming Toy Crepe. Lace 
edging, braid edging, or 
rosebud trimming.  

The Maiden Form 

The Maiden Form

For women of full figure
or slender women
with weak ligaments,
this brassiere has a band
designed to give diaphragm
support. Elastic
at center gently but
firmly holds the figure
to it's natural youthful
lines. Made in Pasadena
Brocade, Wash
Satin, Carlotta trimmed
with mesh and Duroknit
trimmed with brocade.
Bands are 1 &/2
to 4 inches wide.


The Maiden Form