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1117 Ringo Street
Little Rock, Arkansas
February 17, 1958

Members of the Little Rock School Board
8th & Louisiana
Little Rock, Arkansas

This is a request by us, the parents of Minnie Jean Brown, that the Board not approve the recommendation by Superintendent Virgil T. Blossom that Minnie Jean be expelled from Central High School, for the balance of the term. We think such a penalty unduly severe, in the light of the attendant circumstances.

Mr. Blossom has charged that the reason for the expulsion is the failure of Minnie Jean "to adjust". We feel that this charge is unfair, when it is considered the type of treatment she was expected to adjust to. We all know the attacks have been planned and were intended to occur daily.

The Superintendent extracted a promise from Minnie Jean in effect that she would not retaliate in any manner to attacks made upon her person, but would report the incident. We realize this is a statement of the law everywhere. However, this standard is based upon the assumption that law and order prevail. In the absence of law and order, the individual must of necessity protect himself.

Repeated attacks have been made upon our daughter. In some instances, she has been assaulted physically and no steps have been taken to prevent a recurrence of these attacks. On one date, she was kicked by a boy, and as yet, no disciplinary action has been taken against him. The numerous attacks made upon her person, and the lack of adequate protection, has left her no alternative but to protect herself.

These incidents are not casual ones, but are premeditated with the intent to cause an incident whereby Minnie Jean would be expelled. We, too, have instructed her not to retaliate, but the attacks upon her are of such nature that she must take some means to defend herself from violent physical attacks, or else, be very seriously injured.

We respectfully ask that this Board deny the request of the Superintendent for the expulsion of Minnie Jean Brown.

Very truly yours,
Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Brown