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[[caption]] Snow Fall on the Capitol Dome, Washington [[/caption]]
Photo by P.&A

A Magazine That's Different
for JANUARY, 1931
Robert S. Abbott Publisher 
Lucius C. Harper Editor 


This Issue Contains


Black Hands of Toil – ANNE ARRINGTON TYSON  5
The Butterfly and the Rose - LENA L. DUDLEY  8
Sundown - JAMES MICKLES  17
A Lullaby - ORVILLE W. JONES  29
A Trusting Heart - REV. JOSEPH M. EVANS  32
The Heart of the Wanton - IDA M. STOKES  41
Remorse - CARYL DE LA VIDA  48


The Moor's Revenge...ARTHUR V. PEPP  6
Illustrations by Henry Brown

The Voodoo and the Coffee Dregs...PORTER W. STREETER   24
Illustrations by Edward Wallace Smith

The Mummy's Jest...EDWARD  PODOLSKY  35
Illustrations by Jay Jackson

Dress Suit...WILL H. HENDRICKSON  37
Illustrations by Edgar Riley

The Needle's Point...J. SAUNDERS REDDING  39
Illustrations by Edgar Riley

Jimmy O'Grady's Gal...WALTER ARNETT SIMMONDS  45

The Holy Dove...ONAH L. SPENCER  47
Illustrations by Grace Wilson

Forty Seconds! (Concluded)...H.R. JORGENSEN  50
Illustrations by Ray St. John 

Heirs of the Storm...WILLIAM EDWARD KOHLBLATZ  53


Disciples of Good Will - NAHUM DANIEL BRASCHER  1
Snowfall on the Capitol Dome Washington  2
Black Madonna - DELNOR DARRELL 9
Royalty on Parade - 14-15
Do You Have a Creed? - CALVIN T. RYAN  34
What Books Tell Us - DEWEY R. JONES  49
Professor Isaac Beton - A CITIZEN OF FRANCE  55
Jokes - 89-90-91-92

Special Features

Even Unto the Ends of the Earth - EDYTHE E. PIERCE  4
That Singular Senegalese—Battling Siki - TED LAWSON  12
Bill Buckner—Greatest Trainer of Baseball Players - FRANK A. YOUNG  16
How the State of Illinois Is Reclaiming Its Youth - ALBERT G. BARNETT  20
Making Brotherhood a Reality - REV. ALBERT VAIL  27
Lifting Himself by His Own Bootstraps - HORACE R. CAYTON  30
He Stood on the Top of the World - ROSCOE HOLLOWAY  42
Blowing Out the Fires of Pelee - RUEL MCDANIEL  56
Where the Sun Never Shines - MATT. WARREN-BRANSFORD  60

Published Monthly by the Robert S. Abbott Publishing Co., Inc. Editorial and General Offices:  3435 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
ROBERT S. ABBOTT, Pres.-Treas.  N.K. MCGILL, Sect'y  LUCIUS C. HARPER, Editor  ENEIL F. SIMPSON, Business Manager

Entered as second class matter September 29, 1930, at the postoffice at Chicago, Ill., under the Act of March 1, 1879.  Yearly subscription:  $2.50 in United States;  Canada, $3.00;  Foreign countries, $3.50.  Remittances should be made by postal or express money orders.  Address all manuscripts and drawings to the Editorial Department, accompanied by return postage.  Not responsible for unsolicited matter.