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The Reverend Albert Vail

kind and the fundamental oneness of religion.  War shall cease between nations, and by the will of God the Most Great Peace shall come;  the world will be seen as a new world, and all men will live as brothers."

SUCH is the ideal to which Baha' Temples will be dedicated.  Each Temple will be surrounded by a circular garden symbolizing the oneness of mankind.  From the circumference of the cycle nine paths will lead to the Temple at the center.  Each one goes down his own racial or religious pathway.  When the peoples start they are far apart.  As they draw nearer to the Temple of unity they draw nearer to each other.

Between the paths will be nine gardens, in the center of which will shine in the moonlight nine fountains.  These fountains symbolize the nine great prophets through whom the water of life rises to refresh the gardens of the great religions of the world.  Nine, the largest single number, is used as a symbol of an all inclusive unity.

The Mashriqu'l Adhkar, "Temple of Light" which is nearing completion at Wilmette, III.

The Temple in Wilmette will have nine doors, and the symbolism is very simple. Each one enters by his own door. As he passes beneath the high portal under the Sun of Truth, which shines in the ornamentations of the doorways, he lays aside the prejudices and superstitions which separate him from his brothers.
Each of the nine doors extends its arms forward in welcome to all races, religions, sects and peoples. Under the high central dome rising 160 feet above the main floor all will worship together every morning the God that all true religions hold in common. The ideal is this: from one God we all come; to one God we all are returning.                (Continued on page 67)

[[caption]] Reception held at the home of Dr. and Mrs Charles M. Thompson, Chicago, in honor of Ruhi Effendi Afnan (center). About fifty prominent Chicagoans, many of whom are ardent followers of Bahai, attended.[/caption]]

for JANUARY, 1931  29

Orville W. Jones


Hush-a-bye, my chillun; close yo' lil eyes;
God's done chased de thundah f'om out de big black skies.
Dere cain't no lightnin' ha'm yo'wid out de thundah's ro';
Dey ain't no rain lef', noways; de win''s not no'th no mo'.
So hush-a-bye, my honies; de sto'm, hit comes, hot go's;
But dey ain't no dangah lurkin' w'en de so'th win' blows.

Sho' hit's da'k; but bless yo', God 'as got de sun
Tucked in 'is bed lak mammy, wid yo', has gon' en done!
De moon, he soon poke out 'is face; de stahs, dey come en play;
Dey won' be nothin' skeery'round, w'en de so'th win' has his say.
Den close yo' eyes, my babies, yo' mammy guess she knows—
Dey ain't no feah of nothin' w'en de so'th win' blows.

Close yo' eyes, my chillun; de ol' clock, he say, "Tick!"
Play he's a fran' magishun, en a-gwine to do a twick.
Yo' des lis'un w'en he tells yo'; en close dem eyes up tight;
En w'en he tells yo', open 'em, den laws! hyeah comes de light!
O, hush-a-bye, my honies; don' squeeze dem han's en toes;
Dere cain't no bogies catch yo' w'en de so'th win' blows.


by Clovis Fouché