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Easy, Quick Way To Get Into Aviation 

"I Will Train You ATHOME."
Major Rockwell 

Learn to Earn $300 to $400 a Month 
My new, practical Home Study Course offers you the quick way to get into this thrilling, fascinating business. I prepare you with the Aviation principles you must know in order to fill any of the hundreds of Aviation jobs requiring TRAINED men. I show you how to earn up to $300 and $400 a month in the quickest possible time.

In a Few Short Months 
Give me an hour a day of your spare time and in a few short months you can be ready to enter this new industry. I will prepare you for well paid ground jobs open only to men trained in Aviation work. If u want to fly, my Home Study Course prepares you, and I will arrange for your flying instructions here or near your home at reduced rates. You risk nothing. If you are not satisfied after completing my course, I'll refund your tuition. Take the first step by mailing coupon NOW for my big FREE BOOK and Tuition offer.

Desk J-76, Dayton, Ohio

Your Chance to Get An AIRPLANE FREE When you become one of my students, I will give you a chance to get an Airplane Free of any Cost to you. Mail coupon for particulars. 

Major Rockwell, 
Dayton School of Aviation,
Desk J-76, Dayton, Ohio 

Please rush FREE BOOK and Airplane Offer.

Name _
Address _ 
Town _ 
State _ 
Age _ 

$35 TO $75 WEEKLY 

Men - Women 
() Railway Mail Clerk
() P.O. Clerk
() P.O. Laborer
() File Clerk
() Matron
() General Clerk
() Chauffeur-Carrier
() Skilled Laborer
() Watchman
() Postmaster
() RFD Carrier

() Meat Inspector 
() Special Agent 
() Customs Insp. 
() Steno-Typist
() Immigrant Insp.
() City Mail Carrier
() Border Patrol
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() Seamstress
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() Auditor 

Instruction Bureau, 150 St. Louis, Mo.
Send me particulars about positions marked "X" -- salaries, locations, opportunities. "How to Qualify", etc. 
Name _
Address _

AGE 18 TO 55 

[[illustration - tire treads]]
All Tubes New - Guaranteed First Quality

At 1/4 Regular Prices

Tired You Know and Prefer AT NEW LOW PRICES! 
You can rely upon Chicago's oldest and most reliable rubber company to deliver tire mileage at lowest cost. Actual tests on the worst roads in the country prove that our standard brand reconstructed tires deliver 50 to 60 per cent more service. A trial order will convince you.


[[4 column table]]
Size | Rim | Tires | Tubes |
29x4.40 | - 21" | $2.30 | $1.10 |
29x4.50 | - 20" | 2.40 | 1.15 | 
30x4.50 | - 21' | 2.45 | 1.20 | 
28x4.75 | - 19' | 2.45 | 1.20 |
30x4.95 | - 21" | 2.90 | 1.35 |
30x5.00 | - 20" | 2.95 | 1.35 | 
28x5.25 | - 18" | 2.95 | 1.35 |
30x5.25 | - 20" | 2.95 | 1.35 |
31x5.25 | - 21" | 3.20 | 1.35 | 
30x5.77 | - 20" | 3.20 | 1.40 |
31x6.00 | - 19" | 3.20 | 1.40 | 
32x6.00 | - 20" | 3.20 | 1.40 |
33x6.00 | - 21" | 3.20 | 1.45 |
32x6.20 | - 20" | 3.65 | 1.75 |

Reg. CORD Tires
[[3 column table]]
Size | Tires | Tubes | 
30x3 | $2.20 | $1.00 |
30x3 1/2 | 2.25 | 1.00 |
32x3 1/2 | 2.70 | 1.15 |
31x4 | 2.95 | 1.15 |
32x4 | 2.95 | 1.15 |
33x4 | 2.95 | 1.15 |
34x4| 3.50 | 1.15 | 
32x4 1/2 | 3.20 | 1.45 |
33x4 1/2 | 3.20 | 1.45 |
34x4 1/2 | 3.45 | 1.45 |
30x5 | 3.60 | 1.75 |
33x5 | 3.60 | 1.75 |
35x5 | 4.45 | 1.75 |
All Other Sizes 

Send only $1.00 deposit with each tire ordered, balance C.O.D. If you send cash in full deduct 5 per cent. You are guaranteed a year's service or replacement at half price. 
Dept. 000 1000-10 W. Sixty-Third Street Chicago 

it blew in and a piece of rock struck an electric light globe, breaking the globe and permitting flying oil to come in contact with the spark before it had entirely diminished. Most fires not caused by lightning come from the least expected sources, and most of them claim one or more victims. One of the first fires Mack Kinley ever took charge of was in the Corsicana, Texas, district, when 16 men were burned to a crisp at the time the well caught. Although the value of explosives in fighting oil fires was discovered by Kinley's father and associates in 1913, it was not until five or six years ago that explosives came to be recognized as a real weapon by oil producers. Even now some fire-eaters in the oil fields do not use explosives. Mack Kinley is explosive's greatest proponent and he introduced the gelatinized nitro-glycerin as the fire-fighter's most practical weapon.

Until explosives were adopted to fight fires, wells. were known to have burned for months, even years,  before being extinguished. All manner of plans were employed to attack the flames. Steam was the most common and usually the most effective. But none of the plans were certain. Today, however, thanks to explosives and the men who have the nerve to use them, the average oil. well fire is out within twenty-four hours after the fire fighters are on the ground. Kinley extinguished one recently in three hours, even though it was spouting 1000 barrels of oil every day.  

Mr. Kinley was showing me some pictures of well fires when his telephone rang.

"Hello...Sure thing. I'll fly over right away. Be there in less than two hours...S'long." He turned to me. "Skelly's bringing in a new well. I've got to fly over. and shoot it."

He was all activity now, for shooting in new wells is a part of his occupation. That is a simple task. All he has to do is pack a lot of nitroglycerin in a long metal shell, lower a time bomb on top of it and wait for something to happen. Just a few weeks ago one of his men permitted one of the bombs to explode in his  hand, making shreds of himself and a co-worker; but of course that doesn't happen very often, Mack Kinley assures you. 

"Oh, I get a lot of kick out of my work,"  he said as he rushed about about the office getting his shooting materials together; and his enthusiastic preparations verified the assertion. "There are a lot of things in my favor. For example, I'm never bothered with life insurance salesmen!"



Thankful Friends
Plead with Druggist To Let
All Rheumatics Know of 
Famous Prescription

After spending every spare dollar without hope of relief, hundreds of men and women who thought they were hopeless victims of rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis, were over-joyed to find the first true freedom from their pains in Prescription No. 113696, compounded by a pioneer Chicago druggist.

This is not a patent medicine, but a genuine prescription originally written by a famous doctor and recommended to thousands of people who have come back happy to give their enthusiastic testimonials.  Now, by special arrangement, everyone everywhere who longs for salvation from this dreaded disease can relize the answer to their prayers. Simply send your name and address, and complete information will be given free, together with valuable report on "Rheumatism, its Cause and Effect."

Dept. 000-1000 W. 63rd St., Chicago, Ill.

Vertical line 



It's the only way Abbott's Monthly can learn of your likes and dislikes of the stories and articles it publishes.  

What type of story do you like best?

What is the best story to your judgment in the current issue?

Did you agree with the authour in his handling of the plot?

So forth, and so on.

This is a good way "to pull together and get somewhere."