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which are in full bloom, hang up the Spanish moss, and Dad has a lot of work laid out for office affairs. So I guess we shan't go far tomorrow. I suppose you will be out to see Grandma. I was rather worried as I didn't hear from her till Friday all the week. 
You did well enough on Physics, and I am delighted with your German 2 years. Really there is no need for any foreign language. I wish you could get time to audit a course in Ethics next year. Somehow your values are a little off, I suspect, in this plunge into college life where others are preaching other philosophies of living, and I fear you are failing to weigh correctly. You don't need to be prudish but you do need to see  things wholly, from all angles. I wish the college prescribed such a course to balance youth. We all had to take it and it was good for us. 
Do you like tennis? It ought to limber up your muscles. I wish you had more time for it. Maybe you could take it part of next fall, if it is given then. But you prefer to swim. There was a fearful drowning in the Polomac this week. Dolores spoke of it too. She was going to go Sat to try to learn how better to swim, as she isn't up to the class in it and that accident impressed upon her the necessity of being much better equipped.
Well, the meeting is gathering and I must go in and save a seat for dad. 