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Minutes of the October 10, 1971 meeting
Place: Gerald's home

The meeting began with a reminder that Nov. 28th is the date of the New York opening.

We then started compiling a list of places that want prints to sell. These places can now receive an order blank as soon as possible.

There was a discussion of our needing to have forms available to be able to deal in a business-like manner with people who would like to sell prints or sponsor a show.

We then discussed the information that I will put in a form letter for institutions that are considered white or white supported. Firstly, the exhibition fee would be $500.00. The institution would pay for the shipping and insurance. We would let them know what the cost of shipping is by one means of transportation. If they have another means of transportation in mind they should investigate the cost. They should be notified as to how many pieces they would be receiving for a $500.00 fee. We also need to include a paragraph to suggest how the work should be hung and its connection with the philosophy. Two slides showing paintings and other Cobra work hung in an exibition [sic] should be included so that they can better see how the work should be treated. We also need to specify that a plaque stating the history and philosophy will be included. The institution should know the size of the plaque as well as the cost of transportation and accomodations [sic] for one member to come and be available for lectures etc.

We felt that Black Institutions would pay only the shipping cost and the cost of transportation. They also need to consider the cost of transportation and accomodations [sic] for one member to come and be available for consultation.

We then discussed our need for a system for dispersing prints among members. It was again mentioned that (1) All prints must be numbered at the time of printing. This also means that prints printed elsewhere would also be numbered. (2) In Chicago members would obtain prints from Mallory's or Nap's studio. They would keep an accurate record of the names along with the numbers of the prints that were dispersed. They would within a month report this information to Gerald who would keep better account of the money that should be coming in for prints. In order that we get a better

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