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page 3

Critique of Tabilah Fennels Work-

S he displays one work seen at an earlier meeting and a small geometric piece.

Talibah -I had done some colored pencil on cardboard, applying different colors together- I wanted to keep a brush in my hand for a while-an exercise in color and composition.

Akili- Ilike the color symetry of the larger piece with the differences in design.

Donaldson-The small piece needs embelllishment. The illusion of planes is already well structured shapes need to be enhances.
The work contains no real place I can jump off from. Color is very advanced in terms of choice and placement.

Talibah-I thought I'd do a series of six to work on color.

Donaldson- Rythm establiched by shape and color are good. What are you doing beyond color?

Talibah-I have to dee a strong sense of balance. A testimony of the area in my conciousness.

Smith-It's a song played four ways.

Akili - Is Afri-Cobra concerned with the figurative?

Donaldson- Yes but T is growing in what she's soing and hasn't moved to figuratively based thing. Her color sense is refined and beautiful Transparencies would be something good to ger into.

Smith I see asymetrical working with symetrical is that going to be resolved?

Talibah- I like to look at mu paintings in a dim light so they will be the only light.

-The light is turned off so that the group views the paintings again-

Stevens-The background isn't consistent with the ara inside the circles.

Talibah-I like to see the contridiction. The contadiction is the hard geometry and the softer forms with in circles.
What is happening with the four parameters is also happening within the ground.

Donaldson-Examines painting to refute the interaction of the "border" area. Most successful areas leave the border idea and incorporate it into the painting.