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April 14, 1948

Dear folks, 

Beef liver! Aren't you all living high! The cat must wonder at this diet of his old age.

Your Sunday drive very graphic, or visible. The forsythia glow like twin candles on either side of our (Saville) path at night. No, I haven't got my shoes yet. From Monday's tutorial I have been rather shaken up: will see the Dean today about possibly changing my major to Eng Hist & Lit the whole rather than 17th c cross-country; then concentrating in the 17th c. in my Senior year. That would certainly mess up my summer's work, but I am feeling more & more discontented reading on 17th c. history. He gave me 5 history books & 25 plays to read this summer! Also missing the wonderful Chaucer & Blake & modern poetry & novel courses is a little bad. Am cutting classes today to read 8 books of the Bible for orals next Tuesday. Read only half Exodus all last evening: but enjoy it immensely.

Louise has had a final blow, after [[strikethrough]] so many [[/strikethrough]] fears & struggles it would take pages to relate: she heard from Vim yesterday that he may not arrive on the first of May after all: legislation just passed drafting doctors allows him only a slim chance of escape. "I just don't give a damn any more," she said dully.

The "Tempest" is wonderful!, don't you think?

No, I haven't been able to settle down after the week-end: thanks to Jean. Following this sentence of such implied wrath, I hasten to add that I will love her eternally: she suggested to the boy who sits next to her in symphony that he come over & see me Monday night: so Hector Black ("Oh Hector, Hector, the garbage collector!" giggled Louise.), alias Duffy, came, and we went for a long walk (where candle forsythias observed). In a word, he is a person with whom (I have decided) it is possible to fall in love. Just what I've been waiting for. Spring & envy of other gals & all that. Also am fully convinced in necessity of several romances before "big thing." To begin with, he has great virtue of being 6'3 1/2". Is anthropology major. Is socially minded.. after a big emotional shock this spring he took up a group of underpriviledged children, which has helped him get out of it much. (Shock? - love). Is most unselfish person next to Dad I've ever seen. Very sensitive. Loves music. Plays, natch. Has got me to reading his idols Schweitzer, Tigore [[Tagore]], "Brothers Karamazov." Is putting self partly through college: which allows him to cook own meals. Shy but ... Jolly remarked of our first few minutes,