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April 9, 1948

Dear folks,

Talked with Jean last night & straightened out more things. I realize with astonishment that her sharp tones have not necessarily medicine [[strikethrough]] ar [[/strikethrough]] intent.

Went to the 2 one-act Radcliffe play program, "Lord Byron's Love Letter" by Tennessee Williams and "A Phoenix Too Frequent" by Christopher Fry. First very intense & brief. Second long, [[strikethrough]] fu [[/strikethrough]] humorous, very enjoyable. The usually severe Harvard critics came [[strikethrough]] glow [[/strikethrough]] frowning (sat near Betty Horton & me) but spent all their [[strikethrough]] criti [[/strikethrough]] satire on the plays themselves, praising our acting.

Letter from Robert Beals. I was surprised by his minor diatribe against the Hubbards. He told [[strikethrough]] of how [[/strikethrough]] that once Charlie wrote of a woodchuck that was going to be killed and eaten "drooling with anticipation." He called [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] him cold-blooded & ruthless in the lab, narrow in interest & outlook. I can see why Charlie warned me not to tell "Uncle Bob" about his escapades -- as drinking 15 sodas. I thought he was kidding at the time & pretended in my return letter that I had told Bob. Wonder [[strikethrough]] abou [[/strikethrough]] how much friction there is. 

Most of the girls in Saville are invited to May's shower April 17. [[marginalia of course I can't go]] I guess we'll get her something jointly. Next week, wow! April 15. "Antony & Cleopatra," I got my ticket, a good one, today (free for all class). "Richard II" is being put on, & "The Survivors" by Harvard. Perhaps someone will take me, I'd perhaps go with the girls to one of them. Money, money.. Today I was feeling awfully depressed at 11:00, didn't know where to go or  what to  do so got a terrific lift out of going downtown to buying an [[strikethrough]] Har [[/strikethrough]] "Atlantic." I was to go to a Jap opera with my Hindu friend next Sat., but my social prs takes effect then so I shall have to get in touch with him: maybe Richard II! I just thought: that being the [[strikethrough]] 18th & 19th [[/strikethrough]] 16th among others.

Did get lots of drawings done over, without too late sessions. But must go in Sat. morning to catch up on lab. I found by sitting at a table with 2 boys who are jokers & chewing gum, lab [[strikethrough]] becomes [[/strikethrough]] is transformed from a silent, grim, lone tussle with breaking cover slips and drying protoplasm & collapsing or bad microscopes (tried 4 bad ones, wasting almost 2 hrs. once) into something much less wearying.

[[strikethrough]] I am glad [[/strikethrough]] Draw me a sketch of your new hat, please?
