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17 March 1948.

Dear Doris:

We were glad to hear that you had such a pleasant weekend. Medics are usually pretty nice sensible young fellows. They see so much of the seamy side of human nature, its miseries and bodily discomforts, that they develop a well balanced outlook. It is much better than the young theologs' -- I couldn't stand them at B.U., neither could anyone else, but don't tell Jean, maybe she has an exceptional one. Maybe young Methodists are worse than any other kind, I don't know. I always remember how one theolog answered the question on Status (meaning Freshman, etc.) as "Married".  They used to trail their poor half-starved wives around the class rooms, and we used to pity the poor things.

I hope by now spring is arriving or at least melting the snow up there. Here it is perfectly lovely after a day of warm rain. The willows are growing green, the first forsythia bells are opening, the grass is taking on color. The white gulls have gone, and little juncoes flitting their white tail feathers on their way thru.

My Baptists are going on a spring pilgrimage down to Charleston, - the first time they have ever been, and fortunately will be gone part of the week you are home. They are getting all our stopping places at Wilmington and on for use.  I wish we had the time and money to go too. But there really isn't time to turn around in the few days you will be here.  And we must get you something -- shoes? you probably need a new summer dress too.   I was looking at some at Hecht's  and they seem to have a good selection.  I wish you had a topper too to wear with your summer things. Maybe we can get one that will match up with some of your skirts and make a sort of spring suit.

Miss Colcord is coming down to the Museum either to-day or tomorrow to look up something. I am looking forward to seeing her. And tomorrow Helen will lunch with me and view the Mellon paintings.  To-day I am going home fairly early to plant a row of lettuce.

Do you have enough to buy a round trip ticket down? I mean without using the $50? Are you putting that in the Cambridge Trust? Be sure to let us know in time to send you funds if you haven't enough for the trainfare.  It is around $30.

Did you get your tooth tended to? or do I need to make an appointment with the dentist here?  Write all that is necessary for your trip, books, etc.  I hope you will dig up some sort of hat for your N.Y. excursion, you can't go around wearing a scarf everywhere.


Have just seen the President's cortege pass up to the Capitol - we are all speculating whether it means selective service draft -- all Agric. employees excused to listen to it -