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Arlington, Va.
13 Mar 1948.
Dear Doris:

It is a beautiful day - I am sure the crocuses will open up in this sunshine, tho it is chilly. I saw a big flock of blackbirds streaming across the sky in the dawn, but Dad didn't see them and won't admit they were grackles. Two mockers are out on the wild cherry to-day. One has ruled the neighborhood all winter.

A little while ago I called up Miss Colcord to tell her about seeing Mabel and how well she is doing and how enthusiastic she is over her work at the Vesper Group. It pleased her. She had been pretty discouraged over the whole of them, I suspect. She said she had a recent letter from Anna telling her how Gregory was drinking again and befuddled most of the time. It is the first time Miss C. ever spoke of that. She said that she wished Mabel could take a course at BU, a sort of special student course, so she could get into college society, but I told her that for the present Mabel is concentrating on this art work and is up to her ears in it and for the first time in her life enjoying going ahead. It would be too hard to divert her, aside from the long hours. She said that she always thought Mabel had a great deal of stick-to-itiveness and if she ever got  started would go ahead. Miss Colcord had seen an article about a Mrs Fred Southworth somewhere in Oklahoma, did I see it?, no, well, she thought she might clip it and send it to our own Fred, do you suppose he would like it, oh yes, he'd be amused, well, I'm going to send it to him, she ended very shyly but determinedly.

Won't you need some sort of hat to wear to N.Y. if you are going with this chap? You can't wear just a scarf. Find some little toque or small thing for your head.