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February 18, 1948

Dear Mrs. Blake:

Doris was sent to me in the middle of November by Dean Kerby-Miller, because she was unable to concentrate and to pursue her studies. I found her to have a mild depression, and after frequent interviews and some treatment she seemed to improve, she was able to handle her studies somewhat better, and by the time she went home for Christmas vacation, we all had the feeling that she had improved considerably.

I have to add, that not being a full-fledged psychiatrist, I restricted myself to some guidance and avoided to touch Doris' deeper difficulties, always hoping that with time and maturation the [[she]] would be able to work them out by herself.

Lately Doris' emotional state deteriorated considerably. Her maladjustment and her emotional instability became so obvious, that girls from her dormitory came in calling my attention to the fact that something should be done for her. Before I had the opportunity to call her in, she came spontaneously yesterday, and now I definitely felt that her depression has reached a point where I do not feel adequate to handle it any more. I would like to consult an expert psychiatrist about the further handling of her adolescent turmoil. She has reached the point where strictness requesting self-discipline is more detrimental than beneficial to her. An adult person with good psychiatric background and much understanding of her problems can, however, help her a lot.

I do not know how much you are aware of Doris' difficulties. I would be very happy if you could find the opportunity to come to Boston sometime and discuss them with us. But in the first place we wish to send Doris to one of our consultant psychiatrists for evaluation and for advice as to how much treatment she would need.

I can assure you that the people whom we consult are all very reasonable in their judgment and do not belong to the kind who like to overemphasize the difficulties and to overdue [[overdo]] treatment.

I would appreciate your early answer about the psychiatric consultation, and I do promise you to notify you of the result as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Veronica B. Tisza
Veronica B.Tisza, M.D.
College Physician

Mrs. S.F. Blake
2817 First Road
Arlington, Va.