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was at this event to see how the group was progressing but did not fly. Coffyn made several good flights there. September 5th to 9th he took on his first engagement alone at Hartford, Connecticut, and handled the job in fine style with several long and interesting flights. Later that month he flew an exhibition at Troy, New York, then on October 24th obtained his F.A.I. Pilot License, No. 26. He continued to fly actively that fall and assisted in several late exhibition assignments.

On January 11, 1911 he was named instructor for the new Wright winter flying school at Augusta, Georgia. Flying started there on January 23rd with W. Starling Burgess, George H. Manner (who was really Norman Prince) and Harold H. Brown, all of Boston. Prince was later a founder of the LaFayette Escadrille during World War I. Coffyn made 135 instruction flights at the school, flying a total of thirty-two hours with no parts breakage. After completing the instruction of this class Coffyn flew to Aiken, South Carolina, on March 30th carrying Mrs. Coffyn as a passenger.  Aiken was a winter colony of wealthy New Yorkers, and Coffyn was assigned a period of social flying as an aviation salesman. Among those he took for rides there were Thomas Hitchcock, Jr., famed polo player, Robert Collier of Colliers Weekly, who became the first person to buy a Wright airplane as a result of this "ride," and many others. On one occasion he flew Hitchcock out to his Cedar Creek horse farm where they landed for a time, then returned. He also carried R. H. Davis, a writer for Colliers, who composed an article about the flight for the weekly. 

Following this he did considerable flying in and around his home town of Charleston, South Carolina, then he was sent to Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, about mid-April to assist Lt. B. D. Foulois during extensive spring Army maneuvers. There, on April 27th, Coffyn carried Lt. Foulois as a passenger for one hour, thirty minutes, a new American two-man endurance record. He was actively engaged for some time during these exercises carrying out various reconnaissance


Transcription Notes:
uncertain how to indicate editing mark in last paragraph, i.e. army.