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Broookins, Curtiss, Willard, Claude {?} Crahance-{?}hite, A.V. Roe {?} and Clifford Harnon also flying. Crom{?}ell Dixon was there with his airship and several amateur aviators [also- scratched out] entered special events in their class. On September 12th Johnson set a new American endurance record of 3 hours, 6 minutes and also established a distance record of 101 miles, as well as a landing accuracy event when he stopped within 5 feet of the pre-established point.
On September 19th to 25th Johnstone flew at the State fairgrounds, Detroit, Michigen, which Hoxsey, Brooldings and Parnolee. They all did consational flying {scribbled out} for the Motor City. Unknown to them Wilbur Wright was in the stands as a spectator, and as usual Johnstone and Hoxsey were carrying their aerial rivalry far beyond strict orders for exhibition flying. When the show was over Mr. Wright gave the fellows quite a lecture on their risky misconduct. September 26th the {the- scratched out} 30th Johnstone was at Trenton, New Jersey alone. He made spectacular flights there every day and received great response from the crowds. October 3rd to 8th he flew at Richmond, Virginia. There on the 5th he carried the Mayor o the city as a passenger, who accidentally grabbed the {motor- scratched out} engine cut-out wire {scratched out} causing a forced landing. Following this Johnstone flew at the St. Louis, Missouri {f- scratched out} meet October 8th to 18th. Flying there also were Brookins, Hoxsey, Welsh, Prnaleo, Turpin, Ogilivie and LeBlanc. This event was held at the newly established Kinlocih Flying Field and immense crowds witnessed several days of wonderful flying. It was here that Hoxsey gave Colonel Theodore Roosevelt his first ride. Johnstone was {then- scratched out} next a contestant at the large International {?}eet at Belmont Park, Long Island, New York where all of the world's landing aviators put on a great show. At this event Johnstone was one of the headliners. He was an almost daily winner of the most time in the air and here the Johnstone-Hoxsey flying rivalry was at its peak. Close buddies on the ground, they were real hair-raising rivals in the air and the Wrights had difficulty trying to keep then in check. Both were bent on duration and altitude records, as well as