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he received the Early Bird Plaque commemorating the 50th anniversary of his first flight. Presentation of his plaque was made by Najeeb Halaby, then Chief of the F. A. A. [[strikethrough]] He [[/strikethrough]] "Matty" was also an active member of the Aero Club of Illinois and never lost his interest in the Illinois Model Aero Club, its members and their accomplishments. In 1916 Laird and Weaver presented to the Illinois Model Aero Club the Laird-Weaver Trophy, to be competed for annually by model builders in flight competition. He also did considerable writing for various aviation magazines through the years. His name will always be linked with that famous early aviation fraternity of Chicago [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] which contributed so much toward the progress of flight. 

Full credit is given Mr. Laird for checking and contributing to a major portion of this biography. 

[[note 1]] I've made a few changes. Are these OK also?  Paul [[note 1]]

[[note 2]] OK with corrections.  Matty [[/note 2]]

[[note 3]] To Paul
It sure will be great to see the work of Harold & Marvel Moorehouse, E. B. Biograhpies published in Book Form.
Elsie Joins me with kindest regards to you and "Buttons".
Matty  [[/note 3]]