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rank of Colonel he commanded the New York Wing from September 1949 to January 1952, and was Northeastern Regional Director. On December 3, 1954, he was given the Distinguished Service Award for his many outstanding accomplishments in this fine organization.

An energetic and most capable member of The Early Birds of Aviation, he was elected their President for 1964.

Through the years he continued his interest in aviation. For a while he flew in rented or commercial airplanes then in 1945 he purchased his first airplane a Piper Cruiser, and has had four others since that time, including a Piper Tri-Pacer. He made frequent self-flown trips from New York to his country place.

Cord Meyer died unexpectedly at his New Hampshire home June 19, 1964, age 69. He was survived by his wife and three sons. A fourth son had lost his life in military service.

Cord Meyer had a lifelong-long love of flying. He served his country and community with enthusiasm and rare capability. Organizations with which he was affiliated benefited from his membership, and listed his name with pride.