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development, but evidently nothing more came of the project.
At the 1912 Aero Show Twombly also exhibited his new aviators' Safety Shoulder Harness, probably the first such safety equipment in the new aviation industry and forerunner of the modern safety belt. His harness held the aviator firmly in his seat but could be released by a single motion of the hand. The military branches were interested and following actual tests at College Park, Maryland the Signal Corps ordered fifty of them for the Army's Service planes. Following this Twombly licensed the A.G. Spaudlin Company to make and market them, which continued through World War I. 
In January, 1913 Twombly was elected President of the Aeronautical Society, which office he held through that year.
Information is lacking concerning what became of Mr. Twombly for he seemed to have dropped out of the aviation news after 1913.