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The Secretary reminded the Regents of their previous discussion of this matter and noted that management has suggested a course of action with no intention whatever for taking a step toward charging for admission to Smithsonian museums. In fact, staff will consciously avoid placing donation boxes close to entrances, or even exits, as is the practice in museums which want to create a sense of obligation of their visitors. 

The proposal calls for a demonstration -- as distinct from a firm commitment to follow this course indefinitely -- of what the costs and receipts are likely to be. Management proposes to test whether the public's willingness to donate is substantial enough to outweigh the considerable costs of collection. The Secretary said that management feels a sense of obligation to members of the Congress and the public, and others, who have expressed interest and who have encouraged the Smithsonian to explore the full range of options for developing sources of funds.

VOTED that the Board of Regents endorses the proposed demonstration on voluntary donations for at least a full year in selected Smithsonian museums and the Zoo and encourages the Secretary to report back to the Board by the May 1994 meeting before extending the demonstration beyond that time or conducting any demonstration in other Smithsonian locations.


The Secretary and Mrs. Adams hosted an informal dinner for members of the Board of Regents at their home on the preceding evening, January 31.


Regents' Dinner...............Sunday, May 9, 1993, 7:30 p.m.
Regents' Meeting..............Monday, May 10, 1993, 9:00 a.m.