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SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1222 National Museum: Dr. J. Brooks Knight, an internationally known authority on Paleozoic Gastropods, has been appointed a Research Associate under the income of the Walcott Fund, and will carry on researches on the Institution's hitherto unstudied collections in this field. Dr. G. Arthur Cooper, Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology, has continued field work in the Appalachian Region and in Texas, also under the Walcott Fund. His work on Permian fossils is outstanding. Dr. W.F. Foshag, Curator of Mineralogy, who has been in Mexico through the war in work concerned with the development of strategic mineral deposits, has now returned. He has made extensive studies on the new volcanic Paricutin, and is now doing laboratory work on his specimens from that site. The Institution's mineral collections continue to grow and are now as important as any that exist in the world. Dr. Remington Kellogg, Curator of Mammals, was Chairman of the American Delegation sent by the State Department to the International Conference on Whaling held recently in London. The Divisions of Mammals, Insects, and Mollusks have, as in all war years, rendered definite service to the U.S. Typhus Commission, to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, and to various branches of the armed services, in identifying reservoir and intermediate hosts and vectors of tropical diseases. Mr. Charles W. Dehlgreen, well known as an etcher, presented 94 of his plates from which prints are to be made and sold in the name of the Institution. The money received will be used to establish the Charles W. Dahlgreen Fund, the income to be used for the improvement of the collections in Graphic Arts. Sales began last month and to date nearly 100 prints have been purchased by the public. A.W.