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The Secretary reported as follows:

Personnel. As announced last year, salaries of the positions carried by the Smithsonian Institution under its private funds that are not under Civil Service have been adjusted and maintained at rates comparable to those paid employees on Federal rolls. This action, instituted last year, has done much to promote morale among those concerned.

Increasing complexities in administrative procedures have made it necessary to set up in the Smithsonian Institution a position of Assistant to the Secretary that is comparable to business manager. Dr. J. L. Keddy, formerly of the Bureau of the Budget, was appointed to this post on September 1, 1946, to have general charge of the preparation of Federal budgets, allotments of funds, personnel ceilings, and other similar administrative duties. This relieves the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of these matters.

Mr. Ruel P. Tolman who has served for a number of years as the Acting Director of the National Collection of Fine Arts, was made Director, effective July 1, 1946. Following the retirement of Miss Grace Guest as Assistant Director of the Freer Gallery of Art, Mr. John Alexander Pope was appointed to this position.

Appropriations. As the Smithsonian Institution enters the second century of its mission for the "increase and diffusion of knowledge among men" we may look momentarily at the tremendous expansion of scientific knowledge during the previous hundred years. In 1846, the pursuit of science was restricted to a few individuals and the ordinary citizen
