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The President, as head of the Smithsonian Establishment, issued a news release from the White House on this date calling attention to the founding of the Institution and its work.

And there was distributed that day an illustrated book on the Institution under the title "The First Hundred Years of the Smithsonian Institution" prepared by W. P. True, editor for the Institution. This presents a concise account of the growth and work of the Smithsonian, well illustrated and excellently printed. To date 18,000 copies of the edition of 30,000 have been distributed.

"Science," the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science gave its entire issue for August 9, 1946 to the Institution and its accomplishments, and later also used the November 1946 number of the "Scientific Monthly" for the same purpose.

The Foyer in the Natural History Building was devoted to a special exhibition on the Institution, and there were other special displays of a similar nature in the Main Hall of the Smithsonian Building, in the Old Museum, and in the Freer Gallery. Other special exhibits were shown in the National Gallery of Art and in the Library of Congress.

On October 23 there was a convocation in the Auditorium with a distinguished audience in which were members of the American Philosophical Society, the National Academy of Sciences, and about 40 eminent foreign scientists in the United States at the time as guests of the two societies mentioned. Dr. Vannevar Bush presided on behalf of the Board of Regents. Felicitations were offered by the American Philosophical Society and the National Academy of Sciences to which the Secretary made response. There
