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followed a lecture by Dr. Matthew W. Stirling of the Smithsonian staff on his archeological discoveries in Mexico, finely illustrated by colored motion pictures made available by the National Geographic Society which participated in this work. The meeting was followed by a reception in the Rotunda.

These various events were the occasion of considerable notice in the press in various periodicals, scientific and otherwise, both in this country and abroad.


The Secretary reported as follows:

The Congress near the close of the last session passed an Act (Public Law 722) to establish a National Air Museum under the Smithsonian Institution, which was signed by the President on August 12, 1946.

Under this Act there is set up an advisory board composed of the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and two citizens appointed by the President. General Spaatz, Chief of the Army Air Forces, has designated Major General Edward M. Powers to represent him, Admiral Nimitz, Chief of Naval Operations, has designated Rear Admiral H.B. Sallada, and the President, early in December, appointed Mr. Grover Loening and Mr. William B. Stout, both well known for their work in aviation, as the citizen members of the board.

The first meeting of the Advisory Board was held December 16, 1946, at which the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution was elected Chairman. Discussions covered the scope, probable size, and location of 
