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Commission voted to recommend to the Board of Regents the appointment of William T. Aldrich. To succeed Mr. Frank J. Mather in the class of "Experts," the Commission voted to recommend the name of Lloyd Goodrich. The Commission also voted to recommend to the Board of Regents the re-election for the usual four-year period of the following members whose terms expired in 1946:

John Taylor Arms
Gifford Beal
Gilmore D. Clarke

Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

Chairman, Paul Manship
Vice-Chairman, Robert Woods Bliss
Secretary, Alexander Wetmore

Executive Committee:

David E. Finley, Chairman
Robert Woods Bliss
Gilmore D. Clarke
Paul Manship, ex officio
Alexander Wetmore, ex officio

In accordance with the above record of recommendations by the Commission, two resolutions are now in order:

RESOLVED: That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby approves the recommendations of the Smithsonian Art Commission that William T. Aldrich be appointed a member of the Commission to succeed Louis Ayres, and that Lloyd Goodrich be appointed to succeed Frank J. Mather.
