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the National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian Institution which was accepted by the Trustees of the National Gallery, and by the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, as stated in the minutes of the annual meeting of the Board held January 14, 1944.

Under date of June 11, 1946, The Samuel H. Kress Foundation has offered to the Smithsonian Institution and the Trustees of the National Gallery of Art, 19 additional paintings by French artists that make a highly valuable addition to the collection. These are offered under certain stipulations as to permanence of retention and exhibition, and were accepted under these stipulations by the Board of Trustees of the National Gallery of Art at a meeting held August 8, 1946.

Further, under date of August 1, 1946, The Samuel H. Kress Foundation offered under these same stipulations the famous painting by the artist El Greco known as "The Death of Laocoon and His Sons," and also a portrait of Mr. Samuel H. Kress by Sidney E. Dickinson. These were accepted by the Trustees of the National Gallery of Art at a meeting held November 25, 1946.

As these works of art are offered to the Smithsonian Institution and the Trustees of the National Gallery of Art jointly, they require resolutions of acceptance from the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian, with instruction to the Secretary of the Institution to execute on behalf of the Board of Regents the necessary instrument for acceptance.

The Chairman asked the Secretary to present the formal resolutions which are as follows:
