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RESOLVED: That the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution be, and hereby is, authorized to accept on behalf of the Smithsonian Institution the offer of 19 paintings by French artists from The Samuel E. Kress Foundation as specified in its communication of June 11, 1946, addressed to the Smithsonian Institution and the Trustees of the National Gallery of Art, these paintings being for the National Gallery of Art, and having been accepted by the Trustees of the National Gallery of Art under the stipulations of the letter dated June 11, 1946, referred to above, as a part of the Kress Collection; and, further,

RESOLVED: That the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution be, and hereby is, authorized to accept on behalf of the Smithsonian Institution the offer of two paintings, “The Death of Laocoon and His Sons” by El Greco, and a portrait of Samuel H Kress by Sidney E. Dickinson from The Samuel H. Kress Foundation, as specified in its communication of August 1, 1946, these paintings being for the National Gallery of Are, and having been accepted by the Trustees of the Gallery of Art under the stipulations of the letter dated August 1, 1946, referred to above, as a part of the Kress collection. 

On motion, the above resolutions were accepted. 


The Secretary reported as follows:

The Smithsonian Institution in all of its branches has approximately 35 employees paid from private funds. Several years ago the Board of Regents established a retirement system for this group, under which each employee pays 3-1/2 per cent of his salary to a retirement fund, to which the Institution also contributes. Employees retire at 70 years of age unless extended by the Secretary. Retirement allowances


Transcription Notes:
Initials AW appear at the lower left side of the page (not transcribed).