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the Secretary and the heads of the various agencies who presented pertinent statements relative to their activities. Following the meeting this material was assembled in concise form for the use of the committee. Dr. Adams and Dr. Kidder both visited the Institution later. 

The Secretary has been in touch with Dr. Robbins and other  committee members during the year, and immediately prior to this meeting received from the Chairman a brief, preliminary report on progress which is described, to quote from Dr. Robbins' covering letter, as "not a Committee report in the sense that it has been submitted to and discussed by the committee. It represents an effort on the part of the Chairman to present his interpretation of the discussion with members of the committee and others... The report presented is, therefore, in no sense a detailed or exhaustive analysis but rather an expression of opinion, unbiased but incomplete."

The report is as follows:

"Your committee met with the Secretary and members of the staff of the Smithsonian Institution and was informed by them of the activities of the Institution. The committee requested and was furnished by Dr. Alexander Wetmore a statement on "The Smithsonian Institution, the History of its First Hundred Years, Present Status and Philosophy for the Future." A copy of this statement is submitted with this report. The Chairman and other members of the committee have visited some of the projects (but not all) of the Smithsonian and discussed with various staff members activities conducted therein.

"The statement of past accomplishments and future plans prepared
