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Haven, returned from India in the early fall with important collections of birds. The National Museum has had little from India until recently, but these gaps are now being filled satisfactorily. Outstanding in the Ripley collections have been specimens from little known Nepal. The work was financed through the income of the W. L. Abbott Fund.

Two naturalists, David Nutt for the National Museum, and Malcolm Davis, for the National Zoological Park, are on an expedition with a Navy ice-breaker in the Antarctic where it is hoped to make studies of the biology of the small areas free of ice along the borders of Wilkes Land.

The Institution also has interests in the expedition under Commander Finn Ronne that has wintered near Marguerite Bay in the Antarctic.

In September Charles Handley, Jr., returned from a summer on a Navy ice-breaker in the Arctic where he made collections of birds and mammals as far north as Thule in northwestern Greenland and Norwegian Bay on Ellesmere Island.

M. A. Carriker, Jr., a veteran naturalist of the American tropics in work on the distribution of birds in northern Colombia, is at present on the lower Cauca River, on his way back to the Neche, and then to the upper Río San Jorge, areas little known. This work is under the income of the W. L. Abbott Fund.

Remington Kellogg, Curator, Division of Mammals, represented the State Department at the conference on the organization of the International Hylean Amazon Institute, held in August in Belém, Brazil, by invitation of the Brazilian Government and UNESCO.

Through David H. Johnson of the Division of Mammals, the Institution has cooperated in the collection of small mammals for a study of their ectoparasites
