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Regular appropriation for 1952 - $2,391,200.00

Supplemental estimate for 1952 for increased pay act (to be submitted with that of all other agencies by Bureau of Budget) - 174,500.00

Total required for 1952  $2,565,700.00

Estimate for 1953  $2,565,000.00

While through the interest of the Congressional Regents the Institution was spared the rider requiring a percentage reduction in personnel, at the same time we have had to curtail from 520 positions in 1951 to 506 in 1952, a loss of 14 employees. The estimate for 1953 will necessitate a further reduction to 499 positions or a loss of 7, due to lack of funds for within grade promotions that are required by law. 

Hearings before the Subcommittee of the House for appropriations for the Independent Offices were held on January 11. 


The total operating budget for the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year 1952, including appropriated and private funds is as follows: 

Federal Funds

Regular appropriation  $2,391,200.00

(Supplemental required for increased pay act, appropriation still to be made.)

Additional operating funds transferred from other Federal Departments for special projects: 

Working Funds

River Basin Surveys, including archaeological and paleontological work (by transfer from Department of the Interior) - $132,803

Carried over from previous years - 77,927 

Total -  210,730.00
