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Other special funds (restricted), gifts, and grants (estimated)  $70,000.00

(expenditures 1951  $67,320.04
receipts for 1951  92,391.66)

Contract operations

Atomic Energy Commission 9,600.00
Chemical Corps (Army) 15,000.00
Office of Naval Research (4 contracts) 26,475.00
Quartermaster Corps (Army) 4,600.00

T o t a l 55,675.00

Total Budget, Private Funds 527,405.01

Total Budget (Federal & Private Funds) $4,012.340.01


The original estimate for appropriations for the fiscal year 1952 as allowed by the Bureau of the Budget carried $2,557,000. This was reduced originally by the House Committee on Appropriations by $165,800. In the Senate Committee the House reduction was restored, but a separate reduction was imposed of $193,380 in the form of a rider requiring a curtailment in personnel amounting to 10% of the total salary roll. Such a requirement imposed on the Institution would have been completely disastrous to our operations, as was explained in detail to the Regents in Congress, and to those handling the conference report between the House and the Senate. Fortunately for the Institution, the force of our statements was recognized so that the final appropriation carried $2,391,200 without the requirement for personnel reduction. While this sum represents a decrease below our needs as established in the original budget estimates, it has allowed continued, though restricted, operation. 

After the appropriation bill had been established, it became necessary to ask for supplemental authority to cover certain unexpected operations concerned with the National 
